He glared at me. "Oh, I like a woman who knows how to trash talk."

I rolled my eyes, turned on my heels and rolled the ball. It went down the lane and knocked down all the pins. “I talk trash, but I can back it up,” I quipped.

"Not bad," he muttered his surprise.

I shrugged, walked past him and gave Montana a high five. “Just a little girl power,” I said, teasing him.

He picked up his ball and postured to roll his ball. He, too, got a strike. We locked eyes and he said, "I’m coming for you, girls."

"Bring it!" I looked at Montana and Junior. They were laughing just from seeing the pins fall. Our day couldn’t have gotten off to a better start.


"We should do that again sometime," I said, putting Montana in a highchair and glancing at Jacob.

He rolled his eyes and looked at Junior. "You better get used to women bragging. They win one little game and that’s all they want to talk about."

I laughed when Junior nodded his understanding. "Mommy, can’t you just stop it?" he asked using Jacob’s sarcastic tone.

“Okay, I’ll drop it." I playfully glared at Jacob and then Junior. I giggled and took a swig of my soda.

Then Montana clapped her tiny hands together. "We win…we win!" she yelled.

"That’s my girl,” I said and gave her another high five. “I said, I’d drop it, but I can’t make any guarantees about Montana.”

"I had a lot of fun, even though me and Mr. Jacob didn’t win," Junior spoke, after the waitress brought our lunch.

"I’m glad you enjoyed it," Jacob replied. “That makes us all winners then.”

Junior seemed to be thinking and then he asked, "Don’t you want your own kids?"

"Montie Jr.!" I scolded. “Why would you ask him that question?”

Jacob raised his hand to quiet me.

“No, it’s a fair question. Junior, I love kids and would give anything to be blessed to have a couple, or three, one day. I just never was lucky enough to find the right woman to have my kids." Jacob hesitated looking in my direction, and when he did I saw how important having his own children was to him. "You'll understand one day, buddy," Jacob turned his attention back to Junior.

Junior nodded and grabbed a crayon. “Nah, I don’t want any kids, ever,” Junior replied and got lost in coloring a picture. “I just wanted to know if you wanted my mama to give you children and would that be my sister or brother?”

“When I do have children, I could only hope that it’s with a woman as amazing as your mother, but me and your mother have not discussed having children because we’re not ready for that yet,” Jacob explained to Junior, who simply nodded and kept coloring.

"You are amazing, Jacob," I whispered.

"They make it easy," Jacob said, as he reached under the table and intertwined his fingers with mine. He moved closer to me and kissed my cheek.

The rest of our table conversation was easy, with Junior monopolizing most of the topics. Jacob was on every wavelength with my son, and I loved that. Jacob had his approval and mine.

Standing at my front door at the end of our family date, I unlocked the door, and Jacob stepped inside. The look in his eyes told me what he wanted.

"Hey, how about a movie?" I asked Montana and Junior, ushering them toward the living room. I held up my finger and left Jacob standing there, so that I could put a movie on for them. “Give me just a second.”

"Yah!" they replied in unison as they followed behind me. It took a few minutes to pick out a movie, with Junior being the most opinionated about what it should be. Finally, they agreed upon Shrek.

“Okay, you guys watch this quietly until I come back in here, okay?”

“We will, mama,” Junior said and sat on the sofa.

Montana sat beside him and started singing the intro song.