“Okay,” I said and went to the shoe booth. I grabbed the shoes for everyone and came back to our lane. I put new shoes on Montana, and they fit perfectly. Jacob helped Junior by tying his shoes for him. "You know we could have worn the shoes from the alley. You didn't have to order new ones especially for us. Our feet are not too good to share with the general public," I told him as I laced mine.

"What did I just say, woman?" he said without offering any further explanation. He shook his head as he typed in our names into the computer. “I see you’re going to have to get used to how I do things, and it damn sure isn’t conventional.”

"You're right," I relented. “I’m in for quite a few surprises with you, Mr. Turner.”

“Good that you recognize that. Now, enjoy the ride,” he winked then his expression turned serious as he looked at the kids. "Okay, the object of the game is to win. We are playing boys vs. girls, and of course the boys will win this thing."

"Yes!" Junior yelled, giving Jacob a high five. He then turned to us and there was a new light in his eyes. Junior pumped his fists in the air as he sang his battle cry. "Mommy, you both don’t stand a chance."

I crossed my arms. "Those are fighting words, son."

Jacob laughed as our eyes met. "The boy is right. We’re going to clobber you two,” Jacob added.

“We’ll see about that,” I blurted back.

“Let me show you how to do this, Junior. Stand right here," Jacob picked up the ball and Junior stood next to him watching intently.

"Now, what you have to do is put the ball down behind this white line, and then push it as hard as you can," Jacob said.

He put a lightweight ball down in front of Junior and Junior rolled it. It was a kiddie aisle so the ball went toward the gutter a few times, but the bumpers kept knocking it back out. The ball got to the end and knocked down seven pins.

“Yay, did I win?” Junior asked excitedly.

"You get one more roll, but you’re doing great, buddy!" Jacob said, as he and Junior high-fived.

Again, Junior rolled the ball. This time, he knocked down three pins and jumped up and down. "Yes!" He turned to me and his grin was huge. "Mommy, did you see that?"

"I saw it. Great job!" I beamed.

"Your mother is right. That’s a good first try,” Jacob added.

"Thank you, Mr. Jacob!" Junior threw his arms around Jacob’s leg.

"You’re welcome!" Jacob said and pat him on his curly head.

Junior sat down.

Jacob glanced at me and I swore I saw a few tears in his green eyes. I wanted the day to go well, and it was already so much better than I had anticipated.

"Now, it’s your turn, Montana," he said, having already grabbed the silver slide that helped little ones to guide their ball.

“How I do it?” she asked, looking at the slide like she didn’t know what to make of it.

r /> "Here, I’ll help you." He placed her ball on top of it.

She cautiously walked toward him, and he grabbed her hand and put it on the ball, when she was standing in position. With a slight push, he guided the ball down the slide and onto the lane.

Montana’s eyes were big when she turned around and looked at me. She then looked back down at the pins and half of them fell down. She jumped up with enthusiasm she’d seen from her brother. "Mommy, Mommy," she yelled. “You see it?”

I chuckled, "I see it, sweetie."

She rolled it, again, knocking down two more, and she seemed every bit as pleased.

Then, it was my turn. I walked up to the lane and removed the tool that Montana used.

"Need some coaching?" Jacob asked with a wink. "I could stand behind you to guide it in."

I shook my head. "Down boy…just step back and watch how it’s done," I bragged.