It's Okay

When I woke up the next morning, I was in the middle of my bed with my nightclothes on…alone. Somehow, Jacob managed to take me into my bedroom, dress me, and get me into bed. I smiled at his choice of an oversized Tweetie Bird gown. I heard the TV in the living room playing cartoons, which let me know Junior was up.

I stretched and yawned before getting out of bed. As I walked past my vanity heading to the bathroom, I saw a note from Jacob telling me he had an awesome time with the kids and that he would call me later.

After using the bathroom, I went into the living room and gave Junior a big peck on the cheek. I checked in on Montana and she was sleeping soundly. She was a sleepy head, just like me. I went into the kitchen to cook breakfast.

"Mommy, I need to talk to you," Junior said as he walked in the kitchen behind me.

“Sure Montie Jr. What’s up, honey?”

Standing three feet away from me, he looked like a little businessman about to present a proposal. He looked so much like Montie, naming him after his father was appropriate.

"It's about Mr. Jacob."

I faced him. "Okay, what about him?"

"Is he your boyfriend?"

"Yes, he is."

"Why didn’t I know about him ‘til we came home yesterday?"

"Because it wasn’t time for you to meet him yet."

“And now it’s time.”


"Where you meet him at?"

"Downtown at Tazi's."

"He like Tazi's?" Junior asked, as if he finally found common ground with Jacob.

"Yes, he does now. The day we met was his first time there."

"Mommy, he likes Tazi. He likes you. He’s nice. I like him."

"I'm glad you do. He really is a good person, but I want you to know that you and Montana are my first loves. No one is more important than you."

Junior walked over and hugged my neck. "It's okay if Jacob be one of your loves, too. I just hope daddy won't be mad."

"My young man, don't worry about that. Your dad will be fine. Go and wash your hands for breakfast and wake your sister up too."

Junior giggled. "She doesn’t ever want to get up, not even for breakfast."

He skipped down the hall to get Montana, and I shook my head. That boy was becoming more and more of a man each day.



Bridled Passion

Jacob decided that we needed to plan another day out where the kids could just be themselves and continue to get to know him better. I was all for the idea of another family day out. He picked us up right on time, and when I opened the door, he pulled me into a breathtaking kiss.