"I do, and you are correct that you were awarded our house. Still doesn’t change the fact that we built it together," he said loud and clear.

For the life of me, I couldn't understand why Montie was acting like a drama king. He wasn’t the type to throw around his emotions.

"I'm sure there are some beautiful memories in this house. That's evident by your two children who’re in the kitchen, ready to put the icing on those cupcakes you cooked, baby," Jacob said to me, but it was more of a shot at Montie. He took command of the conversation and, like an expert captain, steered us out of an impending shipwreck.

"You're right, honey," I said with a pat on Jacob's arm. "Thank you for reminding me of what’s important. You can see yourself out, Montie. I’m not about to argue with our children in the next room. Have a safe trip," I tossed over my shoulder.

Montie fumed out of the house mumbling about how we would talk about this later.

"Thanks," I told Jacob as I lifted Montana up to the sink to wash her hands.

"No problem," Jacob said, waving me off. “I’m here for you now. It’s time Montie learned that, too.”

"Rub your hands together and wash them good," I said to Montana. Seeing the happiness in her eyes and a smile spread across her chubby, brown cheeks, erased all thoughts of Montie.

Montie Jr. used the step stool to wash his hands, and I sat two of the cupcakes on plates and placed them on the table in front of them. Then, I put the jar of icing on the table and watched as my two youngins' clumsily applied topping to their cupcakes.

"Mommy, who is your friend?" Montie Jr. asked, reminding me that I hadn't formally introduced them.

"Oh, this is Mr. Jacob. He is one of mommy's close friends.”

"Ah ya' nice?" Montana asked, licking her icing-filled fingers.

"I will be to you," Jacob said as he walked over to her. He stooped down so that they were the same height. "Are you nice?" he asked.

"I not nice to scrangers, but I nice to you." Montana immediately went back to the routine of dipping her hand into the icing and then cleaning it off by sucking her fingers.

"Well, that’s good, because I don't plan to be a stranger long. How about this? Finish your snack and we can go out to the park," Jacob said.

"Yay!" Junior said, squirming in his seat, which caused his little sister to do the same.

"Okay, the park it is!" Jacob said, and then out of the kid's earshot said, "I'm glad my first meeting with your ex-husband blew over with just a few words. I would hate to have Junior and Montana's first thought of me as someone who ripped their father to shreds."

"That would be terrible. I'm glad you knew what to say, because he drives me nuts! We hadn’t had one single exchange of words like that since the divorce. Now, when he sees I have someone over here, he wants to come out of his mouth with some craziness."

"I don't blame him. I’d lose my shit if I knew another man was putting his hands on you, too. It's a man thing.”

“He should have known what he had when he had it.”

“That’s his loss. Now that I have you, I’m going to show him that he messed up royally, and he’ll want to reclaim his territory, but it’s not going to happen." Jacob placed his arm protectively around my waist.

"Is that what you're doing now, reclaiming your territory?"

"I'm building territory with you. Our foundation has to be strong, because I want this to be forever," he said, as breeze blew through the kitchen window, causing me to rub my shoulders.

"Man, it's getting chilly," I said as Jacob reached over me and closed the window. "It's bre

ezy out there. Are you sure you want to go to the park?" I asked.

"I told Montana I was going to take her to the park. I have to be a man of my word," he said, and I thought any man that had my daughter's best interest at heart was a keeper.

We went to the park that evening. We got on the swings, merry-go-round, and sliding board, right alongside the kids. All four of us laughed, ran and played until there was no energy left in our bones. When we made it back to my house, I got Montana and Junior bathed and in bed. I plopped down on the sofa beside Jacob, exhausted.

He had his phone in his hand, watching a seminar on finance for construction. I didn’t even have the energy to ask him if it was any good.

I laid my head on his shoulder, and within minutes, my heavy eyes closed and I was sound asleep.