"It could be my kids."

He released me.

I reached down to the floor where the phone had fallen, when we recklessly tore each other’s clothes off.

“Who is it?” he asked.

“Montie,” I answered as I read his text message.

Montie: Hey, I hope you’re home. I’m on my way over with the kids. I got called out of town for a meeting that I can’t miss. Be there in about ten minutes.

I stared at the phone, rereading the message.

"Get dressed. The kids are on their way home."

Jacob rolled over and sat on the edge of the bed. “Do you want me to leave?”

I read Montie’s message again.

“No, you don’t have to leave. I’d be honored for you to meet my children.”


Jacob watched attentively as I moved about the kitchen, preparing for Montie Jr. and Montana’s homecoming. Ever so often, I'd catch his eyes drifting to my waist or admiring my breasts. That was flattering, but, when our gaze found one another’s, it lingered with understanding. I was in love with him, and I was ready for whatever came next.

By the time Montie knocked on the door, I was pulling a muffin pan out of the oven. I made twenty-four piping hot, delicious cupcakes for my little lovelies. I walked past Jacob and touched his arm. "This is a big step for us. Are you sure, you're ready to take it? You could always make a quick exit out the back door and meet them when you are ready."

"Come on, Destiny. Do I look like the kind of man that runs out the back door?"

"No, you don’t.”

“Okay, let’s do this."

We walked to the door and I opened it. Montie Jr. rushed through the door dressed like a little Transformer. He dropped his Transformers book bag in the foyer, and hugged me.

"Mommy! I missed you this much." He stretched his little, five-year-old arms far and wide.

"Mommy, me miss you much, too," Montana said in her toddler talk, stretching her arms like her brother. She was wearing a pink sundress with an oversized yellow ribbon shaped like the sun. Her wavy hair had a matching yellow ribbon, pulling it into a huge ponytail.

I hugged my lovelies close and said, "Mommy missed you too! Go put your bags up and then go to the kitchen. I have a surprise for you."

The kids scurried away with Montie Jr. in the lead. He did stop halfway to his room and look at his sister, and then went back to help her with her bag. He was such the little gentleman. Ever since I divorced his father, he'd been my little man of the house.

"Hi," Montie Sr. said, rushing in with his cell phone in one hand and Montana’s pink, polka dot overnight bag in the other. Just like when we were married, he had one hundred things on his agenda, and none of them included our family. He barely looked at me, much less Jacob, who was standing to the side observing our interaction. "As you can see, they both are wearing their favorite…" Montie started to say something but paused.

He put his phone back up to his ear and glared at Jacob.

"Let me call you back," Montie told the person on the other end and hung up. He erected his stance, showing off his broad muscles as a result of relentless gym workouts. "Excuse my manners. I'm Montie Brown, the father of Destiny's children, and the owner of this house. And you are?" he reached his hand out to Jacob for a shake.

"I'm Jacob Turner," Jacob said shaking Montie's hand.

"My boyfriend," I added firmly. "And this is not your house!" I fired back.

I was livid that Montie would even think of introducing himself as the owner of my house. We settled every detail of our assets in court, so whatever trick he was trying to pull wasn't coming off as cute.

Montie looked at me as if I was the one who’d lost her mind. “I know whose house this is, Destiny,” he shot back.

"So you do remember the details of our divorce?" I asked him.