Anxiety ran across his face. Hurt entered his eyes. "Her name is Justine," he said as if that was supposed to mean something to me.

"Go on!" I said.

"She’s my girlfriend. I mean ex-girlfriend," he continued. “We’re just friends, Destiny.”

I struggled to process his revelation. Part of me reeled from the news. I half expected him to say she was some girl he met up with and it meant nothing. Or, maybe he got drunk and found himself caught up kissing some random woman. But no. She was his woman.

"Girlfriend?" I growled out, as my right hand itched to slap the taste out of his gorgeous mouth.

He nodded. "She’s my ex, and we used to live together."

My jaw dropped open.

“She’s not just a girlfriend. You lived with her, too. You have got to be kidding me," I hollered as I looked down at the flowers clutched in my hand. I threw them at him and jumped to my feet. "You are a cheater, and that’s lower than the lowest piece of shit."

I stomped out the building towards my car. Just as I reached my car, two strong arms encircled me.

"Let me go!" I reached for my door handle and struggled to open it.

"Wait Destiny, listen! Just hear me out, at least.” He held one hand on my door and one on my waist.

"Hear you say what? What exactly could you say to me, when I saw the chemistry you have with another woman who you say is your ex? You still love her. She’s your…your… girlfriend!" My heart broke all over again.

It felt like I was experiencing my divorce again, but only through Jacob. It was wrong to persecute him with my past with Montie, but that was how I felt as I admitted to myself that Jacob had another woman.

"It's over between us, Destiny," he said, his eyes boring holes into me. "I broke up with her for good last night."

"Really, so after sucking each other’s tongues, you took her home and told her it’s over? You must really think I’m a fool. It didn’t appear that things were ending last night. Next, you’ll be telling me that you called an overnight U-Haul." I rolled my eyes, and threw my hands up. “Now, move your hand, so I can get in my car and leave.”

"No. Not until you stop resisting me and fucking listen.”

"What I saw spoke volumes, Jacob. I don’t need to hear anything else."

“She was my best friend before we became lovers. I have known for a while now that we were not going to last, but she was too unstable to just dump and move on."

I laughed until I doubled over.

"Unstable? Is that really what you are going to tell me about that girl? She didn’t look too unstable to me. Did you have sex with her last night?"

"No, I didn’t, and it’s true," he replied, running his hand through his close cropped, dark hair. "She has tried committing suicide a couple times. When I broke up with her a month ago and moved back into my own house, she began seeing her psychologist again. But last night, she threatened to kill herself again. I was afraid she was going to do it, so I took her out to cheer her up and slept on the sofa. This morning, I told her that I can’t keep doing this. I'm not in love with her. I don't think I ever was, but I don’t want her suicide on my conscience."

I took a long look at him. Our relationship began on lies, and my heart was starting to wonder if trying to sort out truth from fiction was worth it. My mind was screaming, “Move on.” But, he sounded genuine. What if everything he said was correct? How would I handle a suicidal boyfriend with whom I wanted to break up? I wouldn’t want a man's death on my conscious either. Yet, I didn’t know if I could just get past the way they kissed. There was a fire burning in their union.

"Jacob, I just don’t think…" I began.

“Don’t think about it anymore. You obviously didn’t stick around to see that I pushed her off of me and we left shortly afterwards.”

He was right. I didn’t stay to watch the freak show.

"Jacob…I…" His strong tongue caressing mine cut off my words. I melted into his embrace, for a moment fo

rgetting why I was even upset. The same feelings I had when we first met came rushing back as he brushed a hand across my cheek.

"Make love to me and you will know it is real," he whispered against our deep and passionate kiss.

"No. I won’t be doing that. That’s what I won’t do, ever again," I whispered the words that he urgently caught between his lips.

"Don’t deny me this. I need you. What you saw meant nothing. This means something,”" he urged as he latched his lips onto mine and pulled me closer to him.