I took a seat in an oversized black leather chair that was in front of her oversized desk. She sat pensively in her boss’ chair with a Scarface-intense stare, expecting my response.

"By the time I’m finished recreating your image, you will not recognize your own company on paper, and that’s a good thing. I’m going to portray your art museum’s already great image as a source of art and literature on an international platform. People who have been here will want to come again just to see what they missed the last time. New visitors will flock to your museum whenever they travel to Florida."

"And how exactly do you propose to do…"

I cut her off expectantly. "First, I have studied your target audience to see what kinds of things they like to read, eat, and watch on TV, all the way down to the types of underwear they purchase."

"Oh…" she said, sounding impressed.

"I intimately know your customers so well that I can tell you who they are by name. Knowing who they are, what they like, and when they like it, I am able to pitch a message to them that says MOCA is the missing piece to your life’s puzzle. I will show them how consistently supporting MOCA’s functions will enhance their lives."

I opened up my laptop, turned on my sales presentation and went over all of the key products I would put into place for her company, including text messaging for museum lovers, calendar mailings, and trade shows. Once the final slide was up, Susie was ready to sign on the dotted line.

"Where do I sign, and when can we get started?" she asked, sounding enthusiastic about a partnership.

"Right on the dotted line and we can get started as soon as Monday," I responded, whipping out my PR contract.

I loved my career. I was such a natural at convincing people to let me help them be great. We talked a little while longer about payment schedules and promotional ideas before wrapping up. "It’s going to be great working with you, Ms. Alexander," I said, closing my briefcase and standing.

"I’m looking forward to it. Thanks again for traveling so far. I know our partnership will be worth every bit of the trouble. And, tell Jacob I said hello."

“The pleasure is all mine with coming to meet you.” I tried not to pay too much attention to the way her eyes fluttered when she spoke his name. I shrugged it off. I must’ve been paranoid after seeing him at the club the night before. "I’ll most definitely tell him. Is it Ms., or Mrs.?"

"You had it right the first time. I’m single and on the prowl, honey," she said, smiling mischievously. "Ain’t none of these men safe around here," Susie said becoming looser than she had been the entire meeting. She winked, running her pale fingers through her curly brown hair as she laughed.

Jacob introduced me to Susie via email as a potential client, so her business referral had come to me through him.

"I hear you. I'll be in touch with you very soon with the final PR plans. Right now, I’d better get going. Thanks again for the business. Have a great day," I said, attempting to keep our relationship all business. I walked to the elevator, wondering if Jacob was banging Susie, too.

When I made it downstairs, Jacob was standing by the exit. Fury raged inside my heart, yet it still skipped a beat upon seeing him. He had this apologetic look on his face, while holding a bouquet of pink roses in his hands.

“Hey Destiny,” he said with a smile and enclosed me in his arms. He leaned down, captured my lips, and kissed me without any care that passersby saw us.

His kiss almost made me forget about last night. Almost.

I pulled away from him. "We need to talk," I said, walking over to the nearest bench to sit down.

He walked behind me and slowly sat down. He looked leery of what I was about to say. "Sounds serious, especially when I thought you would be more enthused to see me."

"Oh, I would’ve been tickled pink to see you last night," I said bluntly. “But that was then. This is now.”

"I apologized for that. Why are you so upset?" he said, touching my hand.

I studied every line and contour of the face of the man who sat in my face and pretended I was the one with the issue.

"I saw you," I spat.

“What do you mean?”

"I. Saw. You," I said through clenched teeth.

"Okay, you saw me, but where? And, what about you seeing me is pissing you off," he asked the questions, but his paling complexion showed me that he knew what I was talking about.

"Last night.

“At the lounge?”

“Yes! Who was the girl that was sucking your face?"