I groaned after hearing my mother's voicemail and hit the button to call her back. I had the feeling that I was going to have to constantly reassure her until she got used to me living in New York. She couldn't seem to shake the notion that New York was a scary place where her daughter was in danger of being accosted at every corner.

"Hi, Mom," I said when my mother answered after the first ring. "Your darling daughter is still alive."

"Emma! I'm so happy to hear your voice! I was so worried. I thought you would call earlier. I left you that voicemail in the afternoon and it's already six o'clock."

"Mom," I said with exasperation. "It was my first day at work. I couldn't tell my boss that I had to be excused because I had to go call my mother. It kind of hurts my credibility as a professional."

"I'm sure she would have understood. Isn't she a mother?"

I rolled my eyes. My mother seemed to think that every woman in her thirties should be married with children. "She doesn't have any children. And before you ask, no, she's not married."

Janet had alluded to being married to her job earlier today and I hadn't seen any pictures of children in her office.

"Oh no!" my mother said, sounding horrified. "That means she'll work you to death if she doesn't have anything else in her life except her job. Is she a workaholic? She must be a workaholic. Emma, don't become a workaholic!"

I couldn't help laughing at my mother's frantic tone. I knew she meant well. My mother just wanted me to be happy and she was worried that I was running away from my problems by moving to New York. She didn't seem to understand that I wasn't running from something, I was running to something.

"Mom, I promise I won't become a workaholic. My first day was actually really great. I really like my boss and she seems to be willing to give me a chance to prove myself."

"I guess that's good," she replied, not sounding convinced. Her voice brightened as she changed the subject. "How's Claire? She sounds like a sweet girl from what her mother's told me. Do you like the apartment?"

"Claire's really nice. I think she's kind of taken me under her wing, even though she's younger than me. Since she's already lived in New York for a while, she's showing me the ropes. And I love the apartment. It's exactly what I imagined it would be." I glanced at the alarm clock on my bedside table. "Mom, I should go now. Claire's waiting for me because we're going to order some food for dinner. I promise to call you later this week with an update."

"Okay," my mother said, sounding reluctant to let me go. "But call me earlier if anything happens."

"I promise I will."

After hanging up with my mother, I got up to join Claire in the living room when I heard my phone beep, signaling that I had a text message. I excitedly opened Jackson's text message.

Come to the gym Wed after work. I'll wait for you. Don't think you can weasel your way out of this! My reputation as a trainer is at stake.

I grinned as I quickly texted back.

Okay, Wed but I can't guarantee what time I'll be there. Are you always this pushy with your prospective clients?

Jackson immediately texted back.

Only when I see potential. And I see vast potential in you.

I giggled to myself like a buffoon, feeling giddy by Jackson's text.

My vast potential and I will see you Wednesday.

I threw my phone on my bed after the sending the last text. It would be too tempting to take my phone with me and obsess about whether Jackson was going to text back.

Claire jumped up from the couch when I entered the living room, shoving a paper menu at me.

"I'm getting the Pad Thai. What do you want?"

I looked over the menu, my stomach grumbling in anticipation. "I definitely want the Pad Khee Mao with beef. I'll call."

I picked up the apartment phone and called the restaurant, placing the order. Claire stretched back onto the couch.

"They said it would take thirty minutes," I said as I hung up the phone. "I need to stop thinking about food for thirty minutes or I'm going to keel over in hunger."

Claire laughed. "Why don't you distract yourself by telling me about work today?"

I joined her on the couch. "My boss seems to have a lot of confidence in me. She said that she's going to give me additional responsibilities besides just being an assistant. More like the work I used to do back in D.C. but on a much larger scale since Mass Communications is such a bigger company. I'm excited but nervous at the same time. I just hope I do well and don't mess anything up."