After making the short walk to my building and checking in with security, I went up the elevator to the twelfth floor, where my boss' office was located. Mass Communications was a large marketing firm and occupied floors eight through fifteen in the building.

The elevators opened with a ding and I excused myself, wending a path through the crowd in the elevator. There seemed to be a crowd everywhere I went in New York. From the subways to the streets to the elevators, it was going to take some time to get used to people being everywhere.

"Excuse me," I said to the smiling receptionist. "I'm Emma Mills. Today is my first day as Janet Lerner's assistant."

"Of course," she said. "Have a seat. I'll let Janet know that you're here."

I took a seat in one of the plush chairs in the waiting area, picking up a magazine but flipping through it unseeingly. It was something to do, but I was far too nervous to actually read the pages.

After about ten minutes, I saw a woman striding towards me. I had never met Janet Lerner in person because my interview had been over the phone, but I assumed it was her. I had been surprised when she hired me over the phone without meeting me in person, but she had told me that she could tell I was a good fit for the job. She had also been impressed with my resume, since I had managed a heavy client load at my last agency.

I stood up to greet her and she shook my hand with a firm grip.

"Emma!" she exclaimed. "It's so nice to finally meet you."

"You too, Janet," I replied with a smile. Janet seemed as warm and friendly in person as she had on the phone. "I'm excited to get started."

"Follow me," she said as she started walking down the hallway towards the offices. Mass Communications was a global marketing firm and it showed. The impeccably decorated offices spoke of its success. Janet strode down the hallway confidently. She was a director in the company even though she was only in her early thirties, which was impressive in such a prestigious firm. Janet was attractive in an efficient and practical way, her light brown hair cut fashionably to her chin and her clothes perfectly tailored. Her make-up was expertly applied to enhance her large blue eyes and high cheekbones.

"It can be a bit of a maze around here but you'll get used to it," Janet continued as she made various turns in the hallway and I walked quickly to keep up with her. Everyone seemed to walk so fast in New York. It was another thing I would have to get used to.

She finally stopped at a cluster of cubicles and pointed to one. "Here's your desk. Go ahead and get yourself settled. We'll sit down and go over your duties in a bit and I'll give you a tour of the office later."

"Okay," I said, still a little dazed. "Is there anything you need me to do right now?"

Janet laughed. "There's plenty, but I don't want to throw everything at you at once. I know the first day can be a little overwhelming. Just relax and settle into your cubicle for now."

With that she was gone, going into her office right outside my cubicle but leaving the door open.

I sat down at my desk, surveying my cubicle. It was bare except for a computer, phone and a few office supplies. I opened a bottom drawer and stuck my purse inside. I hadn't brought any personal things with me to the office. No pictures and no knickknacks. I wasn't a knickknack person and I didn't know whose picture I would set on my desk. I guess I could have brought a picture of my parents, but that seemed a little juvenile.

Sean's framed picture that used to rest on my desk back at my old job in D.C. was no longer appropriate, but I still had it with me. I brought it from Maryland and buried it in one of my dresser drawers when I unpacked last night. Even though I was ready for my new life, I wanted to keep a part of my old life with me. For all the complaints I had about Sean and his dullness, he was part of my history and there had been some good times.

Having nothing else to do, I turned on my computer and watched it boot up.

"Hi," I heard a voice chirp. I turned around and saw a woman pop her head out from the cubicle next to me. "I'm Celeste."

Celeste looked like she was in her late fifties with greying hair, but her brown eyes still looked bright and youthful.

"Hi, Celeste," I replied with a smile. "I'm Emma, Janet Lerner's new assistant. Nice to meet you."

Celeste rolled out of her cubicle in her chair, scooting closer to mine. "I work for Drew Stephens, right over there." She indicated the office next to Janet's with a nod of her head. "Welcome to Mass Comm."

"Thanks." I appreciated the friendliness, but I wasn't sure I wanted Janet to catch me already chatting it up with other assistants. I wanted her to think I was competent and responsible, not an office gossip.

I turned back to my computer, opening up my email. I saw that Janet had already cc'ed me on several emails, so I started scrolling through them.

"Sorry," I said, pausing from reading and looking back at Celeste. "I just want to read through these emails. But thanks so much for the welcome."

"No problem," Celeste said, not seeming to be offended as she slid her chair back into her cubicle. "We'll have time to chat later."

The emails were pretty routine, updating the progress of some marketing campaigns for Janet's clients as well as information from Human Resources.

My phone buzzed and I looked at it hesitatingly. I assumed it was Janet on the intercom, but I had no idea which button to push. I tentatively pushed a button next to a blinking light and I was relieved to hear Janet's voice.

"Emma, why don't you come into my office so that we can start going over things."

"Sure, I'll be right there."