"Well, you do look like you're in a good shape," I said, giving his body an appreciative glance. I laughed a little self-consciously at my bold once-over. "Of course, that's purely from an objective viewpoint of someone who's assessing your trainer skills."

"Of course," Jackson agreed with a smile. "You should stop by the gym sometime. I can give you some free trial sessions."

I groaned. "Me and working out do not gel. I always wished I was one of those people who actually enjoyed working out, but sadly, exercising is akin to physical torture for me."

Jackson grinned. "Maybe you just haven't had the right trainer. I can make exercising lots of fun." He glanced down at me, in much the same way I had given him the once-over. I flushed at his perusal. "Although I'd say there's not much to improve on."

I burst out laughing. "You really are a good actor. I'm not sure whether to be flattered or suspicious. If this is your tactic for getting new clients, you must be an awfully popular trainer."

"Come see for yourself. Peak Fitness is just over on 2nd Avenue between 12th and 13th Street. I work most weekday evenings except Friday, and some Saturday and Sunday afternoons."

Jackson pulled his cell phone from his pocket. "Give me your number. I can text you my schedule."

"Um, okay," I said, unsure whether Jackson was being friendly or if he was interested in me. Although I had told myself that I wasn't looking for a relationship right now, I wasn't dumb enough to pass on someone like Jackson. He was funny and gorgeous. You didn't meet funny and gorgeous guys who took an interest in you every day. Besides, who said it had to be something serious? I had just come out of a ten-year relationship. This could just be something fun.

Besides, maybe he was just being friendly. I didn't want to embarrass myself by protesting when all he wanted to be was my friend. Or my new trainer.

After Jackson programmed my number into his phone, he started reciting his. I quickly fumbled for my phone in my purse to enter his number.


"What?" I had no idea why Jackson was spelling.

"My last name. To put in your phone."

I laughed. "Are you always this forward with giving out your phone number?"

Jackson grinned. "I'm always available for my clients. That's how dedicated I am to my job."

Before I could answer, Claire, Nathan and Mia filed back in. I saw Claire give Jackson and I an assessing look, and I had to squelch the compulsion to quickly stuff my cell phone back into my purse. It hadn't seemed as though there was anything going on between Claire and Jackson, but I made a mental note to ask her about it later. The last thing I wanted to do was tread on her territory.

Nathan took a long swig of the fresh beer Maggie had set down on the table while they were gone.

"So what have you two been talking about?" Claire asked as she took a more delicate sip of her own beer.

"Jackson was telling me about being a trainer," I replied. "Actually, he was trying to convince me to become one of his clients. He doesn't realize that my definition of working out is pressing the buttons on a TV remote."

Mia laughed. "Jackson is in high demand as a trainer. You should see the gaggle of women that gawk at him while he's working out."

"Now, Mia," Jackson lectured playfully. "You're going to give Emma the wrong idea. I'm a dedicated trainer that would never take advantage of potential clients."

"Riiight," Mia said sarcastically. "And I actually think that fuchsia is a color that works on everyone. That's at least what I tell everyone when they come to my make-up counter."

"Jackson is a really good trainer," Claire said. "If you're going to hire a trainer, he's a good choice. He's helped me a lot with strengthening and elongating my muscles."

Maybe I had just imagined Claire's earlier look. She didn't seem perturbed at all by the thought of Jackson being my trainer.

"Hold on," I said. "I'm not planning on getting a trainer. I'm not even planning on joining a gym. Not anytime soon, at least. I have to work on getting a paycheck before I start spending it, even if it's for an amazing trainer with clients chasing after him."

Jackson gave me a dazzling smile. I started to question whether the second beer was a good idea. I felt a little woozy looking at Jackson's smile and I was sure the alcohol had something to do with it.

"Remember, the first few sessions are free, and I can get you a free trial membership at the gym for a couple of weeks."

"We'll see," I replied with a noncommittal smile. I checked my watch and frowned at the time. As much as I had enjoyed meeting Claire's friends, my first day of work was looming over me and I hadn't unpacked. The last thing I wanted was to be unprepared for tomorrow.

"I should get going. I haven't unpacked and I want to obsess a little more about my first day of work tomorrow."

"I'll go with you," Claire said. "I'm exhausted."