"Caitlin, wake up!"

I sat up violently with a gasp, still feeling those slimy fingers on my arm.

"Easy." Simon rubbed my back soothingly, bringing me back to reality. "Was it a vision?"

"No." I took a deep breath and tried to calm my racing pulse. It was a moment before I could speak again. "It was a dream I had before. I think it's warning me, but I don't know what it's warning me about. My mother was trying to tell me something, but she was horrifying to look at. She was bloated and rotted like she was in the middle of decomposing."

"What did she say?"

I shook my head. It was too fresh in my mind to talk about it anymore. Not only had seeing her in that condition scared me, but now I was afraid that it was a sign that she was dead. Was she truly gone and warning me from the beyond?

"Telling me would make you feel better." I looked up at Simon, surprised by the intensity of his expression.

"I can't, Simon. Later. I'll talk about it later."

Simon looked like he wanted to argue but then the muscle in his jaw relaxed and h

e nodded. He eased me back down on the bed and wrapped his arms around me. We lay like that until morning came, although neither of us fell asleep. I was touched that Simon couldn't sleep because he was worried about me, but I still couldn't say out loud the details of my horrific dream.

The house was abuzz with activity for most of the day as Simon's family prepared for Thanksgiving, and we just tried to stay out of the way. Simon's house seemed to be the focal gathering place for his extended family and they were expecting a lot of people for dinner.

I was subdued for most of the day, mulling over my dream again and again, trying to piece together the puzzle. Was the reference to blood about my father? Or maybe my aunt? What bond was unbroken that was a curse? I was convinced a watery grave was about my mother's accident, but how could it be a blessing?

I eventually told Simon everything about my dream, and while he was sympathetic, he asked me not to read too much into it. He was worried that I would just make myself upset. I resented his attitude, but tried to control my temper because I knew he was just concerned for my well-being. And he was right. I was tying myself up in knots trying to figure out the meaning of my dream, obsessively clutching the iridium coin around my neck.

Simon's family started descending upon the house in the late afternoon. I had already met the majority of them when I attended Kendra's birthday party, but it didn't make all the names and faces any less dizzying. I was grateful to see Grant's familiar face as he gave me a big hug.

My mood lifted as the evening progressed. Simon's extended family was boisterous, and I was content to be a spectator although members of his family regularly engaged me in the conversation. Simon stayed by my side, his presence comforting me like nothing else could.

Stuffed full of turkey and all the trimmings, I fell asleep easily that night despite my inner turmoil. I drifted off into a dreamless slumber, Simon's arms around me anchoring me to reality.

I was momentarily confused when I woke up the next morning in an unfamiliar bed, until I remembered where I was. I was on my back and Simon's face was nuzzled against my neck with one leg thrown over mine, effectively trapping me. I was content to just lie there, feeling the weight of his leg pressing down on me and his warm breath against my neck.

I was alerted to his wakefulness when I felt his lips moving on my neck. I pushed him away, laughing. "Your stubble tickles."

Simon smiled at me, although he was still groggy from having just woken up. His sleepy smile grew mischievous as his blue eyes twinkled. "I can do better than that when it comes to tickling."

"Don't you dare!" I squealed when his fingers tickled my sides, laughing and howling with outrage simultaneously. I was breathless as Simon continued his merciless assault. "Your parents! We'll wake up your parents!"

"They can't hear your screams for mercy. Their room is in the opposite wing." Despite his words, Simon stopped tickling me and instead started dropping soft kisses on my face. My eyes fluttered closed and he lightly kissed my eyelids, moving down to my cheek and then behind my ear.

"I could get used to waking up like this." I opened my eyes and gave him a censorious look. "Except for the tickling."

Simon gave me a sweet smile. "I plan on waking up next to you for a while. At least until I'm eighty."

"And what'll you do then? Throw me to the curb for the next available woman who gives you come-hither looks and lets you molest her with your walker?"

Simon gave me a quick kiss on the lips. "You know me too well. I'm willing to negotiate the terms of our arrangement to the age of ninety-five, but only if you promise to make me garbage cookies on a regular basis."

I pressed my hand against his warm jaw. "It's a deal."

As tempting as it was to stay in bed, we got up and got ready for the day. I had told Simon yesterday that I wanted to stop by my aunt's house this morning and he had agreed. The dream I had of my mother made me eager to go back, convinced that I would see something this time that I had missed earlier.

We ate a quick breakfast before leaving. The morning air was unusually warm for this time of the year, even though it was cloudy, and I started sweating beneath my heavy coat. Simon and I took our coats off and stowed them in the backseat before sliding into the car.

"Do you want to brave the mall after we go to your aunt's house?" Simon asked as he concentrated on the road. "Kendra already left this morning with my mom. I think she looks forward to Black Friday more than Thanksgiving."

"Sure, that sounds like fun."