"What does that mean?"

"I think you should just follow us until you're supposed to meet the guys at the basketball courts. I'll make sure we stay in public places so we're always in your sight. I want to keep him away from his dorm room as much as possible since that's where it all happened."

"I'm not sure, Caitlin. I'd rather be right next to you."

"Simon, please." I put my hand on his arm. "It won't be believable otherwise. I can't risk him suspecting something and then backing off because he thinks I'm a weirdo."

Simon didn't respond right away, but I was relieved when I saw his shoulders slump in acquiescence.

"Fine. But if I even think there's a possibility you're in trouble, I'm not hesitating to knock Malibu Ken down."

I resisted the urge to smile, not wanting to encourage Simon's digs against Neal. "Okay, that's fine." I checked the time and saw that it was barely eight o'clock. Even though I was desperate to get Neal in my sights, I knew that I had to play this right or else he would suspect something. I had debated telling him the truth, but I figured the truth would send him running, thinking I was some psycho.

While we waited, I called Sarah, rousing her from her sleep. She was momentarily confused that I was calling her when I should be in the room right next to her. I quickly filled her in on the latest developments and asked if she could come over and keep an eye on Kendra, which she immediately agreed to.

I waited on pins and needles until nine o'clock and then called Neal, figuring it was a reasonable hour to call even though it was still early. I took a deep breath, trying to muster courage for my forthcoming performance.

"Hello?" I was relieved that Neal sounded awake and not as if I had just awoken him.

"Hi, Neal. It's Caitlin." I made my voice sound shaky.

"Caitlin, what's wrong?"

I sniffled as if I was crying. "I'm sorry to call you so early. It's just...I didn't know who else to call. I can't get a hold of Simon and I'm just really upset."

"Tell me what's wrong." Neal's voice softened and I wanted to kick myself for being such a jerk for lying, but I really had no choice.

"I got into a huge fight with Sarah. I'm just so upset and I have no one to talk to. I know we just met but I really felt like I can confide in you." Flashbacks of my vision rushed through me, and I didn't have to fake my tears and shaky voice.

"Of course. What happened?"

I took a deep shuddering breath. "Do you mind if we meet in person? I could really use a friend right now."

"Of course. Why don't you come over to my room?"

"Actually, do you mind if we meet in the student center? We could meet for breakfast."

"Sure. When do you want to meet?"

"Is nine-thirty too soon?"

I heard a smile in Neal's voice. "No, nine-thirty isn't too soon. I'll see you there."

I wiped my eyes as I disconnected the call, taking a deep calming breath. Simon was frowning at me.

"That was almost too believable."

I sighed. "It's amazing how a matter of life and death can turn you into Meryl Streep."

Sarah arrived, interrupting our conversation. She gave me a fierce hug when she saw me, her face tight with tension.

"Thanks for coming over, Sarah."

"Of course. Where's Kendra?"

"Still asleep," Simon replied. "She'll probably be out for a while."

Simon and I slipped on our coats but Sarah stopped me before we walked out the door.