I gulped, the ice cream forgotten as I lay my spoon on the coffee table. "No, I haven't gotten around to mentioning it to him. I don't want him to think I'm weird." I paused, thinking over my words. "Well, any weirder than he already thinks I am. Why does it feel like I'm the only virgin I know?"

"First of all, I doubt he thinks you're weird. You're practically a friggin' superhero, casting evil from the world. Secondly, there's nothing wrong with being a virgin. Better to be a virgin than to be like good ole' Samantha who's probably spent so much time on her back that she has trouble seeing straight."

I choked at Sarah's description of Samantha, but Sarah didn't seem to notice as she continued to talk.

"Grant and I have had sex because we're both ready. And it's not the first time for either of us." Sarah frowned. "Although I try to pretend that he's never been with anyone else, especially you-know-who. It's better for my peace of mind." Sarah shook her head, clearing her thoughts. "Anyway, it's different when it's your first time. You should wait until you feel ready. But I think you should tell Simon that you've never been with anyone."

"Why? Does it matter?"

Sarah looked at me like I was dense. "Of course it matters! He has to know that it's a big deal for you. It'll also help him understand why you want to wait. Trust me, it's important that he knows, especially the first time you do it. It can be uncomfortable for you if he doesn't take it slow."

I buried my face in my hands. "I feel like such a dork. I have the sexual maturity of a high schooler."

Sarah laughed, poking me with her spoon. I looked down at the dribble of ice cream she left on my shirt sleeve. "Ew, you got ice cream on me." I grabbed a napkin from the coffee table and wiped it off. "Enough talk about my lack of experience. In all seriousness, I thought you were hanging out with Grant today until dinner."

"He and Marcus were going over the set list for tonight for the millionth time, and it was mind-numbingly boring, so I decided to work on my TV and junk food quota. I thought you were spending the day with Simon."

"We just picked up Kendra from the airport and I told Simon I needed to go home to start cooking dinner."

Sarah checked the clock on the wall. "It's two o'clock and we told everyone to come at seven. What exactly are you planning on making that takes five hours?"

"I just needed some breathing room. As much as I enjoy spending time with Simon, it's hard to deal with the memories of what happened in Connecticut. And sometimes when I'm with him, it all comes rushing back."

Sarah looked concerned as she set the ice cream on the table. She was the only one that I had told the truth to, swearing her to secrecy. If the authorities ever found out that Simon had been the one to kill Claudia, he would have a lot of explaining to do. Sarah had been shocked when she found out that Simon had killed Claudia, though I hadn't told her about his unnerving calmness immediately afterwards, as if stabbing a girl to death and tampering with a crime scene was an everyday occurrence. I didn't want to run the risk of Sarah thinking badly of Simon. Besides, he had saved my life.

"How are you dealing with everything? Have the vision

s started again?"

"No, and that's the problem. I feel like I'm just waiting to have one, so I can do something. I hate just sitting around, helpless."

Sarah bit her lip as she contemplated her next words. "But wouldn't that be a good thing? If you never had visions again?"

"That doesn't make it not real. There are still vardogers out there hurting people. Killing them. My aunt is still missing. And I'm just spending my life going to class and hanging out at a bar, listening to my boyfriend's band."

Sarah sighed sympathetically. "I guess I understand, although if it were up to me, you'd never have to deal with those things again." She shuddered, her expression darkening. "I'll never forget what it felt like to see that...thing on top of you, attacking you. And to not be able to do anything to help you."

"Let's forget it for today." I forced myself to put on a cheerful expression. Sarah shouldn't be burdened with all this. She was finally with Grant, and she should be reveling in it, not worrying about me. "Today, I'm just a girl with a hot boyfriend and the best friend ever, and I'm going to spend the night watching my boyfriend play with his band as other girls drool over him. Then I'm going to grope him until everyone gets sickened by our PDA."

Sarah burst out laughing, picking up the ice cream again. "I like that plan."

"Before I forget, I told Simon I would go home with him for Thanksgiving. I hope you don't mind."

Sarah grinned at me widely. "Why would I mind? Just make sure I catch the bouquet."

I laughed, grateful that Sarah could always make me feel better. We spent the rest of the afternoon like we used to pre-Simon and Grant, watching mindless TV and debating the merits of each Housewives reality show franchise. We then cooked dinner together and I felt truly at ease, no longer having to pretend to feel carefree.

Jenny and Marcus were the first to arrive. Although Jenny claimed their relationship was still strictly platonic, they seemed to be spending an inordinate amount of time together, and I saw how Jenny never missed a chance to touch him.

Simon and Kendra arrived shortly after them, and Simon kissed me like he hadn't seen me in days again. I was cognizant of Sarah's earlier mention of our PDA, but I couldn't help leaning into him, our kiss a little too intimate for an audience.

I pulled away, feeling embarrassed as I glanced at Kendra who was standing right next to us, not missing a thing. It was one thing to make out in front of our friends; it was another thing to make out in front of Simon's little sister. But she just grinned at me widely, waggling her eyebrows and reminding me so much of Simon that I couldn't help but grin back.

When Grant arrived, Sarah swooped in on him and gave him a kiss that rivaled my embrace with Simon. When she turned around and winked at me with a mischievous smile, I burst out laughing, shaking my head when everyone inquired about what was so funny.

We settled into the living room after everyone had piled their plates high with meatloaf and mashed potatoes. Kendra's eyes were sparkling as she surveyed the scene.

"I can't wait until I get to go to college and live in an apartment!"