I watched him take pictures of me as I raised my fingers to my mouth, licking them and sucking on them erotically. I felt a heady rush of power when he dropped the camera to the floor and pushed himself between my legs.

“Fuck pictures,” he said roughly. “I’ll just have to rely on my memory.”

Before I could say anything, I felt the rough rasp of his tongue between my legs and I lost it. I was writhing so much that he had to clamp my hips to the bed, his fingers digging into me to keep me from thrashing off the bed. The tension between my legs grew as he continued to lave my swollen clit with his tongue, until it was almost unbearable. When he sucked my clit into this mouth and pushed his fingers into me, the tension broke and my body undulated with waves of pleasure that seemed to last forever. I was vaguely aware of my cries filling the room as I lost myself in my orgasm.

When the last ripple left me, my body fell limply against the bed. Logan got up and laid down next to me. He must have stripped before lying down because he was now naked, but I had been too far gone in my climax to even notice. I was taken by surprise when he grasped my hips and lifted me up in one smooth motion. I barely realized what was happening before he positioned me above him so I was straddling him. Before I could say a word, he forcefully lifted his hips up, slamming his erection into me so hard that it felt like it reached the end of me.

I was still sensitive from my orgasm and I gasped. I gripped his shoulders for balance as he lifted me up so that his cock was almost completely unsheathed, and then pushed me down, plunging his hard length back into me with force. Riding him felt raw and primal and the next time he pulled out to thrust back in again, I pushed down on him before he got the chance. He growled as he looked up at me.

“Trying to take control?” he rasped.

“Yes,” I panted, and then lifted my hips up to unsheath him, and then slammed back down again. He groaned, making me even more eager to pleasure him. I thrust my hips up and down rhythmically, riding him as hard as I could. He let me take over the reins, both of our bodies getting sweaty as we strained towards each other. I felt the tension coiling between my legs again, and it pushed me to ride him harder and faster. My nails were digging into his chest, but Logan didn’t even seem to notice. His face was strained and his teeth gritted as I moved faster. He reached up and grabbed my breasts, tugging at my nipples. I flung my head back, panting heavily as I rode him as hard as I could. I felt his body grow rigid, and then he shouted out, pushing his hips up as he pumped his release into me. It was too much for me, and I keened loudly as another climax ripped through me, leaving me shuddering.

I collapsed on top of Logan as the last tremor left me, feeling weak and utterly satisfied. Logan stroked my back as we both struggled to catch our breath. His chest was warm and I snuggled against it, feeling perfectly content. I made a sound of dismay when I saw that my nails had actually broken through his skin, leaving small moon-shaped scratches on this chest. I leaned over and kissed them gently.

“I’m sorry,” I said apologetically. “I got a little carried away. I didn’t mean to actually scratch you.”

Logan laughed and kissed the top of my head. “I’ll take those battle scars any day, if it means you riding me like that.”

I rolled my eyes but couldn’t help laughing. I admired the ring on my hand that was resting on his chest. It was a foreign feeling, having a diamond ring on my hand winking back at me. It was hard not to just stare at it.

My thoughts wandered to my dream about Cassie. I called it a dream, but I truly believed that it had been Cassie reaching out to me, pushing me back into the living. For the first time, I felt peace about what had happened to her. I was able to accept that she had known about Logan and me, but I was also able to accept that she hadn’t killed herself because of it. I would forever regret the way I handled the situation back in college, but I would always be grateful for Cassie’s forgiveness and love.

Chapter Twenty-Two

I called Emily the next day to tell her about our engagement. She was almost excited as I was and was ecstatic when I asked her to be the maid of honor. The first thing she asked was whether Logan was going to have some hunky groomsmen. I laughed and told her I’d be sure to tell him it was a necessary requirement.

I called my father after my phone call with Emily. He was surprised but happy for me, and made me promise to visit home soon with Logan. Logan’s parents were still in Europe, but he had mentioned that he would let them know today about our engagement.

I spent the entire morning daydreaming about what our wedding would be like, as well as looking up online how exactly one went about planning a wedding. I didn’t take Logan seriously when he said he wanted to be married in three months, but I knew he wouldn’t be patient enough for a year-long engagement. Truthfully, I didn’t want to wait that long either. We had wasted so much time; I didn’t want to waste anymore.

Later in the day, I finally settled myself in front of my computer to get some actual work done. It was difficult, because my thoughts kept drifting to Logan and our wedding, but I forced myself to buckle down and was able to get a good amount of writing done.

It was late afternoon when my phone rang, and I smiled when I saw it was Logan calling.

“Have you set a date yet?” he asked when I answered th

e phone.

I laughed. “We just got engaged last night, plus I’m actually getting some work done today. I think we’re allowed a few days to just wallow in the moment.”

“I guess it’s acceptable to wait a few days, but we definitely need to pick a date by this weekend.” Logan’s words were firm but I could hear the smile in his voice. “I’m leaving work early today. I’ll probably be home in about an hour. I expect you to be waiting naked in bed for me. Start playing with yourself so that you’re nice and wet for me when I get home, because I’m going to start fucking you the moment I walk through the door.”

I blushed at his erotic words in the plain light of day. “Logan,” I admonished, “what if someone at work hears you?” Despite my protestation, I could feel myself starting to get wet.

“My office door is closed,” Logan said dismissively. His voice deepened. “I’ll see you soon.”

I couldn’t wait for Logan to come home after we got off the phone. I finished the section of my article I was working on as quickly as I could, and then put my computer to sleep. I took Lola for a walk around the block, freezing my ass off the entire way. By the time we got back, it had been almost an hour since Logan’s call, so I hurried to do as he asked. I stripped and lay on the bed, the comforter cool and smooth against my body. I slid one hand down to twist my nipple as my other hand went farther down. I spread my legs open and stroked myself, pretending that it was Logan touching me. It didn’t take long to make myself orgasm. Despite the release, I still felt an ache inside me, because it was nowhere near as satisfying as it was to be with Logan. I willed him to hurry home, needing to feel him inside me.

I was lying in bed, daydreaming about Logan, when the next thing I knew, I woke up from a deep sleep. It was dark inside the apartment, and I groggily looked at the alarm clock on the bedside table. I was surprised that I had been asleep for over an hour. I was also surprised that Logan wasn’t home yet. I was cold, so I got up and put my clothes back on. I checked my cell phone to see if he had called, but there was nothing. I frowned. He definitely would have called me if he had gotten held up at work. I was puzzled by the lack of contact.

I dialed his number and listened to his phone ring, but he didn’t pick up. I hung up when it went to voicemail without leaving a message. I tried his office line, but it went to voicemail as well, since his assistant would have already left for the day.

I went into the living room, where Lola greeted me with a wagging tail.

“Hey, girl,” I said, scratching her on the head. “Do you know where Logan is?”

Lola wagged her tail harder, nuzzling her head against my hand, which usually meant she had to pee. I bundled up and put her leash on, my breath taken away when cold air blasted me outside. Lola took take forever to relieve herself, and as soon as she did, we bounded back inside. I fed her dinner and checked the time again, frowning that I still hadn’t heard from Logan. Where could he be?