I was grateful for her loyalty, but I was still frustrated at both of them for doubting me. The nurse came in with a stern look on her face.

“Visiting hours are over. Time to leave.”

“I’m going to be staying the night,” Logan announced.

“Are you family?”

Logan hesitated before answering. “No, but she’s my fiancé.”

The nurse nodded her head and told him where he could find bedding to use for the chair. I looked at him in confusion when she left.

“Is there something I’m not remembering?” I asked.

Logan gave me a rueful look. “They only allow family members to stay the night, so I thought I’d stretch the truth a little bit.”

I didn’t comment. Emily promised that she would be back the next day before leaving for the night. Logan and I sat in silence for a while before either of us said anything.

“I didn’t write that note,” I finally said, my voice low. “I don’t feel that way. I love you, Logan.”

He took my hand in his, kissing it. “I love you, too, Maddie. We’ll get this all straightened out, I promise.”

As much as I wanted to push the issue of Kristina, I decided to let it lie until tomorrow. I was exhausted, every limb in my body heavy with fatigue. The TV was on, but I could barely pay attention as I fought to keep my eyes open. I lost the battle as my eyes fluttered closed and I slipped into a deep sleep.

Chapter Twenty-One

Maddie, wake up!

My eyes flew open, the voice reverberating through my head. It was dark and I struggled to get a sense of my surroundings. I realized I was in my hospital room but that didn’t give me any comfort. My heart was thudding as the scream I had heard echoed in my head. I could have sworn it was Cassie yelling at me to wake up.

I took a deep breath, trying to calm my pulse. I was just on edge after everything that had happened. I was safe now.

I glanced down at the chair next to me to see Logan there, asleep. His presence automatically made me feel better, although he looked uncomfortable with his long body scrunched up in the small chair.

I heard a soft noise and my head shot up. Fear and adrenaline rushed through me when I saw a figure standing in my room by the doorway. My terror intensified when the figure moved closer and Kristina stepped into a shaft of moonlight. Her smile was sick and macabre.

“I bet you didn’t expect to see me again,” she whispered. “I always finish what I start.”

I saw the glint of her gun and swallowed past a hard knot of fear in my throat. I didn’t know what to do. Should I try to wake Logan? Would that just put him in danger too?

Kristina seemed to read my mind. “Don’t even think about screaming. The second Logan wakes up, he’s dead.”

“You’re going to kill both of us anyway,” I said, my voice trembling. “Why make it easier for you?”

“That’s where you’re wrong,” she said, her mouth twisting. “I don’t want to hurt Logan. I’ll spare him if I can.” She lifted her other hand and I saw a syringe. “Just a shot of potassium chlorate and you’ll be gone. Logan can continue living, thinking you had a simple heart attack. Maybe your body couldn’t handle the overdose and shut down.” She shrugged. “Either way, he lives and you die.”

She sounded so cold and emotionless. Had she always been this evil and just hidden it well, or had she spiraled into some kind of mental illness?

“No,” I said, my voice forceful. “I’m not going to let you do it. Not again.”

“You stupid bitch,” she snarled, suddenly rushing towards me. “You don’t get a choice!”

She screamed in rage when Logan jumped up from his seat and tackled her, pinning her to the floor. Her body bucked in fury as she continued to scream.

“She’s ruining everything!” she ranted, struggling to break free from Logan. “Let me get rid of her! Then we can be happy!”

I squinted against the sudden light as a nurse rushed into my room, flipping the switch to turn on the light. Her mouth dropped open when she saw the spectacle in front of her. The rest was a blur. Security flew into my room and took over detaining Kristina while the police were called. She was still ranting and raving when they arrived and dragged her out in handcuffs. I was relieved she was gone, but then doctors and police officers filed in and out of my room, asking endless questions. Through it all, Logan stayed beside me, holding my hand and helping to answer questions when he could.

Dawn was breaking by the time everyone had cleared out, and then it was just me and Logan. He looked at me, his face full of regret.