I had always wanted a dog but had hesitated because they took so much work. But I couldn’t imagine anyone else taking Lola, let alone her being dropped off at a shelter. I had never felt so alone with Logan out of my life and Emily moving. It would be nice to have a loyal companion.

“You owe me,” I vowed, but my voice was cheerful. “I couldn’t let that sweet dog go to anyone else.”

“You’re awesome!” Emily squealed, sounding ecstatic. “I was so worried about what I

would do with Lola. You’ve taken a load off my mind. Can I drop her off tomorrow on the way to the airport? I would do it tonight but I have so much to do before I leave.”

I agreed, and we ended the call since Emily had to pack and get ready to leave. My mood worsened as the night went on. Then Mack called to tell me he was heading back to L.A. tomorrow. I hadn’t seen him since the incident at the Half Pitcher. Ever since he had told me about his feelings, I didn’t know how to be around him anymore, but now that he was going back to L.A., my heart sank. It was just one more person leaving me behind.

I desperately wanted to ask him if Kristina was still in town, but I didn’t want to sound pathetic. We made promises to keep in touch, although I was pretty sure they were just polite words.

I spent the rest of the night in a dismal mood. I decided the only thing I wanted to do was sleep. I took a few sleeping pills and went to bed, grateful when I drifted off into a deep sleep.

I was only half-conscious when I registered a sound. I groggily looked at my alarm clock and saw I had been asleep for almost four hours. I heard the sound again and I was instantly awake and alert. I held my breath as fear shot through me. What was that? Was someone in my apartment?

I frantically looked around my dark bedroom for something I could use as a weapon, but there was nothing. I had stupidly left my cell phone in the living room so I had no way to call 9-1-1.

I heard the sound again. It was a shuffling noise, like someone was flipping through papers. I got out of bed as quietly as possible. I couldn’t think of anything to do besides go to the bathroom and barricade myself in there. Before I could take more than a couple of steps, my bedroom door flew open and the lights were switched on.

I squinted against the sudden light, putting my arm up to block it out and try to get my bearings. The blood drained from my face when I saw Kristina standing in the doorway of my bedroom. I stared at the gun in her hand that was pointed directly at me.

“Going somewhere?” she jeered. She waved her gun. “Get back on the bed.” She glared when I just stood there. “Hurry up, unless you want me to blow your brains out.”

This couldn’t really be happening. This had to be a dream. Things like this didn’t happen in real life.

I gingerly sat back down on the bed, afraid to make any sudden movements that would agitate her. Kristina’s eyes glittered with hatred as she watched me.

“What the fuck is so special about you?” she spat out. “Why the hell is Logan so obsessed with being with you?” She laughed, the sound ugly and harsh. “Even when he fucking loses his memory and doesn’t know who you are, he still wants to be with you!”

“Logan and I are no longer together,” I said, my voice trembling. “You can have him.”

“How kind of you,” she said sarcastically. Her face twisted as her voice rose. “The problem is he doesn’t want me. You’ve somehow brainwashed him to believe that he needs you to be happy.”

“Kristina, please put the gun down before you do something you’ll regret. Your life will be ruined if you go through with whatever you’re planning.”

“My life is already ruined,” she hissed. Her expression turned sinister. “But if you don’t exist, he has no choice but to come back to me.”

My heart was in my throat as she approached me. I put out a hand in supplication. “Kristina, please. Don’t do this.”

“I’m not going to do anything. You are.” I didn’t understand her words, but before I could try to process what she meant, she was waving the gun again.

“Where are your sleeping pills?”

I swallowed audibly. “Why?”

Kristina grew angrier. “I have a gun pointed at you, and you have the gall to ask me why? Just tell me where the fuck your sleeping pills are.”

“In the bathroom,” I whispered. This couldn’t be real. This couldn’t be the end. My life couldn’t be over tonight.

“Go to the bathroom.” Her eyes narrowed. “And don’t even think about trying anything. I have no problems shooting you.”

I was shaking as I got out of bed and walked to the bathroom. I thought about slamming the door shut behind me but Kristina was too close. I scanned the bathroom, looking for something I could grab and hit her with, but there was nothing. I gasped when I felt the barrel of her gun push into me.

“Hurry up,” she snarled. “You’re starting to really piss me off with how slow you’re being.”

I opened the medicine cabinet and took out the bottle of sleeping pills.

“Hold it up so I can see the label.”