I awoke abruptly, a gasp dying on my lips. I held my breath, unsure of what had roused me from my sleep. There was nothing but silence, and I wondered if maybe a bad dream that I couldn’t remember had woken me up with such a feeling of fright.

I breathed in slowly and steadily, willing my pulse to slow down. I felt myself starting to calm down when I heard it. A loud scraping noise that sounded like it was coming from the hallway. My adrenaline kicked in and I strained to hear the noise again. When it sounded again, I thought my heart was going to burst out of my chest. Everything in me was screaming to stay in bed and just hope that whatever was making that sound would go away, but I knew I would never be able to rest without knowing who, or what, was making that noise.

I slowly got out of bed and crept to the door, holding my breath as I turned the knob and slowly opened the bedroom door. I didn’t know what I expected to see, but the hallway, illuminated by one small lamp, was empty.

I heard the scraping noise again, and realized that it was coming from the room across from me. Cassie’s room.

Scared wasn’t sufficient to describe what I was feeling. I felt like I was going to have a heart attack as I opened my door wider and silently stepped into the hallway. I didn’t believe it was Cassie making that noise, but I needed to know for sure. And I would never know the truth unless I had the guts to open her bedroom door.

I put my hand on the knob and took a deep breath. I twisted the knob and opened the door, my heart in my throat. I gasped when I saw the scene in front of me.

Mrs. Brooks was standing in front of a full-length mirror in the corner of Cassie’s room. She was wearing Cassie’s old sweatshirt from the University of Michigan over her nightgown. She whirled around when she saw me in the reflection, a garish smile on her face.

“Madison! I told you Cassie was going to come tonight. Come in and say hello to her.”

As I hesitantly stepped inside the room, I wondered if I should call for Mr. Brooks. But before I could decide what to do, Mrs. Brooks turned back to her reflection.

“Look who it is. It’s Madison. I’m sure you’re happy to see her.”

Mrs. Brooks’ voice changed when she spoke again. This time it was higher pitched. “Maddie, it’s so good to see you. I’ve missed you.”

Horror rushed through me when I realized Mrs. Brooks’ was talking to her reflection like it was Cassie. I felt rooted to the spot as she continued her macabre performance.

“It was sweet of her to visit, wasn’t it?” Mrs. Brooks said in her normal voice. She nodded to herself.

“Yes, I could always count on Maddie to be there for me,” she said, her voice different again. “Maddie, come closer so we can talk. I have so much to tell you.”

There was no way in hell I was getting closer. I snapped out of my stupor and stumbled back into the hallway, calling for Mr. Brooks. He stepped out into the hallway in an instant, his face tired but his expression alert.

“What’s happening?” he asked as he rushed towards me. “Where’s Judith?”

I raised my trembling hand towards the open doorway of Cassie’s room. “She’s in there. She’s…she’s pretending like her reflection is Cassie and she’s talking to her.” I shook my head in fright. “And Mrs. Brooks is talking back, like she’s Cassie.”

I heard steps and turned my head to see Logan bounding up the stairs. His eyes zeroed in on me, his expression concerned.

“What’s happening?” he asked, getting to me in record time.

“Mrs. Brooks…” I trailed off, not wanting to say the words again.

Mr. Brooks stepped into Cassie’s bedroom. “Judith, what are you doing in here?” he asked softly.

“Cassie’s come to visit!” she said brightly, glancing at her husband in the mirror before looking back at herself. Her voice changed, the high-pitched tone eerie. “Daddy, come closer. I’ve missed you.”

I could see the tears streaming down Mr. Brooks’ face in the reflection of the mirror as he took his wife by the shoulders. Mrs. Brooks turned to him, her expression urgent.

“Charles, talk to her! I don’t know how long she’ll be here. She told me she has to go back to the other side permanently.” A radiant smile crossed her face. “I’m going to go with her. I’ll finally be together with my Cassie.” She raised her hand, patting her husband’s cheek tenderly. “I’ll come visit you, like Cassie visits me. You won’t be lonely, I promise.”

“Okay, Judith,” he said, his voice breaking. “Why don’t we talk about it tomorrow. Let’s go back to bed for tonight.”

“But Cassie’s here!” Mrs. Brooks protested, turning back to the mirror. She frowned. “Cassie? Where did you go? Please, honey! Come back!”

Mr. Brooks looked like a broken man as he ushered his wife out of the room. “We’ll see her again tomorrow,” he said softly. “Let’s go back to bed.”

Mrs. Brooks let her husband guide her out of the room, and they went back into their bedroom, closing the door behind them. I could only imagine the pain and anguish that Mr. Brooks was feeling. I put my hand up to my cheek, aware for the first time that it was wet with tears.

I didn’t resist when Logan led me to the guest room. I sat down on the bed, heartbroken by what I had just witnessed. I had always known Mrs. Brooks was sick, but it seemed as though she had now sunk into madness.

“Logan, what are you doing?” I frowned at him as he pushed me to lie down on the bed before stretching out beside me.