He glanced at Logan, not hiding the hostility in his expression. “What are you doing here? And why do you look like you’ve been in a brawl.” He glanced back at me and his expression darkened even more. “Did he hit you?”

“He was my ride,” I explained, ignoring his comment about Logan’s appearance, but I couldn’t let his question about Logan hitting me go unanswered. “And of course he didn’t hit me.” I was going to leave it at that, but with the way Mr. Brooks was glowering at Logan, I didn’t think he was going to let him pass through the door. “I want Logan here with me.”

“But, Madison,” Mr. Brooks protested. “I don’t know how Judith will react to seeing him. I don’t think it’s a good idea.”

“She doesn’t have to see him, but I’m not coming in without him.” Although, initially, I had wanted him to leave, having Logan beside me made all of this seem bearable. If only for today, I wanted to pretend that he was my support system and I could depend on him. I would deal with reality tomorrow.

I thought Mr. Brooks was going to refuse to let Logan in, but then his shoulders slumped and he just stepped back to let us in. Mr. Brooks had always been a pillar of strength, but the man standing before me looked weak and frail.

“She’s in our bedroom,” he said. “I’ll take you up there.”

“Why don’t you stay downstairs?” I said to Logan. “I’ll let you know if I need you.”

Logan frowned. “Are you sure? I could wait outside the door.”

“It’s okay. Thanks, though.”

Logan didn’t look too happy, but he didn’t say anything further as I left him to follow Mr. Brooks upstairs. He paused outside the bedroom door before opening it.

“Please don’t say anything to upset her. She’s in a very fragile state right now and the wrong word could destroy her.” Mr. Brooks wrung his hands. “I know you think I’ve gone about this the wrong way. That I should force her to face the truth. I’ve tried, in my own way. But, anytime I allude to the fact that Cassie is dead, it sets her back so much. She can’t handle it. She can’t live in a world where Cassie isn’t alive, so I kept up the façade to keep her from hurting herself.” Mr. Brooks face was filled with anguish. “Because I can’t live in a world without her.”

My heart broke for him, and I promised to try not to upset Mrs. Brooks, although I wasn’t sure if that was possible. Mr. Brooks slowly opened the door and ushered me inside.

The curtains were all drawn, making the room dim. I saw Mrs. Brooks sitting up in bed under the covers, her hands folded on her lap as if she were expecting visitors. She had lost weight since the last time I had seen her, and her face was drawn, her cheeks hol

low. Her head turned towards me when she heard us enter, and her gaunt face was transformed with a beaming smile.

“Madison!” she exclaimed, holding her hands out to me eagerly. I glanced at Mr. Brooks before stepping towards her, and I could see that his eyes were wet with unshed tears.

Mrs. Brooks’ grip was strong as she grasped my hands, at odds with her delicate appearance. I sat down on the edge of the bed next to her.

“I’m so happy you came,” she said, her eyes glowing. “It’s been so long since I’ve seen you.”

“I’m sorry it’s been so long,” I said gently. “How are you doing?”

“Wonderful, now that you’re here.” She leaned in closer to me. “You’ve always been like a daughter to me. I told Charles my children wouldn’t abandon me.” She turned to Charles. “Let me have some time alone with Madison. We need to have some girl talk.”

Mr. Brooks hesitated, but then he finally left the room and closed the door behind him. Mrs. Brooks turned to me, her smile widening. “I thought you weren’t going to come.”

There was a lump in my throat, making it hard to swallow. “Are you feeling unwell? Do you think you should go see a doctor?”

Mrs. Brooks shook her head emphatically. “Oh, no. I’m perfectly fine. I’ve just been a little tired lately. But now that you’re here, I feel so energized.” She squeezed my hands. “Did Cassie come with you?”

My stomach dropped. I had promised Mr. Brooks that I wouldn’t say anything to upset her, but I also didn’t want to perpetuate the delusion. I settled for somewhere in between, since I really hadn’t had a chance to talk to Mr. Brooks about his wife seeing a doctor.

“No, she’s not here,” I answered. I glanced around her room. “It’s so dark in here. Why don’t we open up the curtains and get some light in here. Even though it’s cold, the sun is shining.”

“No!” I was taken aback by the fierceness of Mrs. Brooks’ refusal. Her stricken expression relaxed almost immediately and she gave an embarrassed laugh. “Light seems to give me headaches lately.” Her expression brightened. “How are your classes? Are you dating anyone?”

“I’m not in school anymore,” I said gently. My answer to her second question made my chest tighten. “And no, I’m not dating anyone.”

Mrs. Brooks frowned. “Not in school anymore? Why not, dear?”

I changed the subject, not knowing how to answer her question without upsetting her. I grasped at the first topic I could think of. “How was your Thanksgiving?”

Mrs. Brooks’ face fell. “Oh, it was awful. It was just me and Charles. Why couldn’t you come for dinner?” She continued speaking before I could answer. “Cassie already told me why she couldn’t come.” Her voice dropped to a whisper. “Sometimes she goes to the other side.”

A chill went down my spine. “What do you mean?”