I shook my head. “I told Logan I was going to, but I totally forgot that he and I have to get up early tomorrow. I actually agreed to go to the gym with him, and he set up an appointment with a personal trainer at the ass crack of dawn.” I shook my head. “I don’t know what he was thinking. He hates getting up early in the morning as much as I do.”

Emily looked at me skeptically. “You’re going to the gym?”

“I know, I know. But it’s part of my New Year’s resolution to work out, and I figured it was a good idea to start early.” I smiled wryly. “We’ll see how long it lasts.”

“Are you sure you don’t want to just spend the night? It’s past midnight. I can just set the alarm early for tomorrow.”

“Thanks,” I said, “but knowing myself, I won’t get up.”

Emily called me a cab and it arrived in less than ten minutes. The drive over to Logan’s was short since there were barely any cars on the road at this late hour.

I smiled at the doorman when I walked into the building and politely refused his help when he offered to have someone help me carry all my shopping bags upstairs. When I got to Logan’s apartment, I took out my key and unlocked it as quietly as possible. I was sure Logan was already asleep and I didn’t want to wake him, especially since he was committed to waking up early tomorrow to go to the gym.

I softly walked inside, turning on a small lamp and setting down my shopping bags in the living room. I would worry about putting away my purchases tomorrow.

I slowly opened the bedroom door, careful to not make too much noise, and I could see Logan’s form under the covers in the moonlight. I went into the bathroom, grabbing shorts and a t-shirt to change into along the way, and closed the door behind me. I stared at the jewelry box on the counter that was still void of my pendant. I wondered if Logan had been able to get my necklace back. I had purposely not contacted him about it today because I didn’t want it to ruin my day with Emily, and I was determined for it not to occupy my mind. I told myself I could wait until tomorrow to ask him.

After I was done getting ready for bed, I opened the bathroom door with the light still on so that it wouldn’t be completely dark. The last thing I wanted to do was bang my shin into a piece of furniture.

My world came to a screeching halt when the shaft of light from the open bathroom door fell on the bed, and I saw that there was a figure next to Logan. I blinked comically, like I was in a cartoon and the scene before me was a mirage that I could just wish it away. But my eyes weren’t deceiving me. A rush of blood to my head made me feel nauseous and I was sure I could hear my heart thudding against my ribcage. I felt frozen to the spot, unable to move in this nightmare I was suddenly thrust into.

Seconds felt like hours as I stood there, afraid to move. Afraid to confront the truth that was staring me in the face. As horrible as I felt, I wanted to live in those few seconds forever, because whatever was about to come next would be my undoing.

The figure next to Logan moved and then sat up so that the bathroom light illuminated their face. Kristina stared at me, and then smiled, her expression full of malice. She reached up and touched the necklace around her neck, and a rage like I had never known exploded inside me when I saw her wearing my heart pendant. Cassie’s heart pendant.

I wasn’t aware of myself moving. The next thing I knew, I was on top of Kristina, screaming inarticulate words and clawing at her. Discovering that she was naked underneath the sheets made me almost murderous. Before I was able to do any real damage, an arm encircled my waist from behind and pulled me off her, but I was like an animal, arms and legs flailing as I tried to rip into my prey.

“Maddie!” Logan yelled. “Stop!”

I screamed in rage and grabbed his arm, trying to pull it off me. When his arm remained around me like a shackle, I raked my nails across his flesh. He cursed and let go of me. I scrambled back against the wall, panting harshly. Bright red marks appeared on his arm where I had scratched him, and he stared down at them and then looked up in confusion.

“What’s going on?” he asked.

My laugh had a maniacal edge to it. He was asking me what was going on when he was in bed with Kristina, who wearing my necklace and nothing else. I didn’t know what enraged me more: the fact that she was naked or that she was wearing Cassie’s necklace. Logan had promised to get it back for me, but instead he had fucked Kristina while she wore it. How sick could a person get?

“You’re asking me what’s going on?” I sneered. “That’s fucking rich. Maybe you can claim amnesia and say you don’t know how Kristina ended up naked in your bed, wearing my necklace.”

“Wait,” he said, shaking his head as if he were trying to clear it. It would have been comical if it hadn’t been so pathetic. “I wasn’t in bed with Kristina.”

“Seriously?” I spat out. “That’s it? That’s your defense? To just deny it? I have eyes, Logan. I’m pretty sure Kristina didn’t pop out of my imagination.”

Kristina wrapped a sheet around herself and finally chose to speak up, her voice smug. “Just leave, Madison. It’s over between you and Logan. Don’t embarrass yourself by begging.”

“Begging?” I hissed. My eyes narrowed. “That’s your thing, sweetie, not mine. I have a little more dignity than that. As far as I’m concerned, you can have him. I don’t associate with trash.”

I needed to get ou

t of there before I broke down. Rage was keeping me standing, but I knew crushing anguish was right behind it. I didn’t want them to see me become a pathetic mess.”

“Stop,” Logan commanded, looking fierce. “Everyone just stop. I don’t know what the hell is going on but I’m going to figure it out.” He looked at Kristina. “What the hell are you doing here?”

Kristina’s face fell. “Really? Is this the game we’re going to play, Logan? I’m good enough to screw when no one’s around, but Madison waltzes in and I’m nothing?”

Logan’s jaw tightened. “Shut up. I know what you’re doing and it won’t work.” He turned to me, his expression turning pleading. “Please, Maddie. You have to believe me. Nothing happened between us. I was alone when I went to bed. She must have sneaked in here while I was asleep.”

I looked at him disbelievingly. “How could she have gotten into your apartment unless you let her in?” I smiled an ugly smile. “Maybe next you’re going to claim she’s a cat burglar and scaled your building and snuck in through a window.”

Logan stepped closer to me, but stopped when I put my hands up. I almost snarled at him. “Don’t come any closer or I won’t be responsible for what I do.”