Mack sat on the other side of me on the couch and flicked through the channels, settling on the football game. He propped his legs on the coffee table.

“Are you going to unbutton your pants, too?” Logan asked with a raised eyebrow. “I wouldn’t want you to be anything less than comfortable.”

Mack grinned unabashedly. “I want to, but I’m a gentleman. I wouldn’t do that in mixed company.”

We watched the game in companionable silence, and I was amazed that I could feel so relaxed in Kristina’s company. I had been so on edge about her coming over for Thanksgiving, but things had turned out remarkably well. The multiple glasses of wine hadn’t hurt, either.

“I’ll be right back,” I said, heeding the call of nature caused by all those glasses of wine. When I looked at my reflection in the bathroom mirror, I saw that my cheeks were flushed and realized I was a little bit buzzed. I ran my wrists under cold water, wanting to cool myself down.

When I walked back into the living room, Logan stood up. “I think it’s time for dessert.” He nodded towards Mack. “He keeps patting his stomach and saying there’s room for something sweet. I think that’s supposed to be a subtle hint that he’s ready for dessert.”

Mack just grinned at me and went back to watching the game. I laughed and followed Logan into the kitchen.

“Can you get the plates?” I asked, taking out the apple crisp that I had kept warm in the oven, and setting it on the counter. I gasped in surprise when Logan whirled me around.

Before I could ask what he was doing, Logan’s lips came crushing down on mine. Without thought,

I wrapped my arms around his neck, returning the kiss.

“They need to leave after dessert,” Logan muttered against my mouth. “Unless you want an audience while I fuck you.”

My pulse quickened from his words. “I didn’t know you were into that,” I joked, although I was breathless from the sudden passion.

Logan straightened and frowned. “I’m not. I’d pretty much kill any man that saw you naked.”

I rolled my eyes. “I was just kidding. Anyway, you’re the one who brought up having an audience.”

“That’s why they need to leave,” he said.

“Fine,” I said, shaking my head. “We’ll feed them dessert and then open the front door. They’ll probably get the hint.”

“Now, you’re talking,” Logan said with a grin. “Let’s hurry up and plate up dessert.”

I laughed at his eager expression. After we were done spooning out the apple crisp and vanilla ice cream, we carried the plates out to the living room. Mack’s eyes lit up when he saw dessert.

“This is awesome,” he said after taking the first bite. “I’m definitely coming over for President’s Day dinner.”

I laughed, gratified by his enthusiasm. Kristina nodded her head in agreement.

“It’s really good. I hate pumpkin pie, so I was dreading having to eat a slice to be polite.”

“Ugh, I hate pumpkin pie, too,” I declared. “People always act like I’m some kind of freak when I say I don’t like pumpkin pie. I don’t know anyone else who dislikes it.”

Kristina smiled. “Finally, someone else with good taste.” She glanced down at my hand as I got another spoonful of dessert. “That’s a beautiful bracelet.”

“Thanks,” I said. For obvious reasons, I didn’t want to get into who gave it to me, so I quickly changed the topic to the football game.

After Mack had a second helping of dessert, he got up and stretched. “That was a great meal. Thanks so much. Unfortunately, I need to wake up early for work tomorrow so I should probably head out.”

Kristina got up quickly, obviously not wanting to stay without Mack here. “I should go too.”

Logan lost no time in ushering them out. He refused all their offers to help clean up and had them out in record time. As much as I had been relieved at how well today had gone, I was happy to be alone with Logan.

I laughed when he grabbed my hand and pulled me towards the bedroom. “We should really clean up first,” I protested. Logan paid me no attention as he guided me into the bedroom.

“At least let me use the bathroom,” I insisted. “I want to brush my teeth. I can feel myself getting cavities from all the sugar I ate.”

“Okay, but don’t take too long.”