“I had the waiter take this picture so I would have a memory of when Logan and I officially got engaged. Thank God for it because now I have proof.”

“You’re lying.” My voice was low but the simm

ering rage was clear in my tone. “You’ve somehow managed to fake a picture of you and Logan together. This can’t be true.”

Kristina wasn’t looking at me anymore. She was looking at Logan, who hadn’t said a word since Kristina had started weaving her lies. His expression was hard to read and I felt myself start to get angry with him. He couldn’t actually believe this drivel. Yet he hadn’t told her she was being ridiculous.

“Logan, please,” Kristina begged. “Tell me you believe me.”

“I don’t know what to believe,” he finally said. “I…this is just a lot to take in right now.”

“You can’t believe this.” My voice was shaking with both anger and fear. “She’s lying, Logan! How can you stand there and say you don’t know what to believe?”

He put his hands up in supplication. “I’m not saying that I believe it. I’m just confused by the picture.” He rubbed his forehead, looking perplexed. “I just don’t understand how she has a picture of us together with the engagement ring if it isn’t true.”

It felt like my heart was physically being ripped apart. I wanted to shake him and scream at him to wake up. To remember me. Us. What we meant to each other. I knew the picture was damning evidence, but I couldn’t believe it. I wouldn’t. It had to be fake.

I blocked Kristina out, focusing on Logan. “You told me you knew we belonged together, even if you didn’t remember me and our past. How can you even entertain her lies? Maybe she had someone photoshop the two of you together.”

“Are you kidding me?” Kristina snarled, pushing herself back into my world. She shoved her phone in my face. “Look at it! There’s no way this was photoshopped. You’re just in denial. There’s even a timestamp on the picture to show when it was taken.”

I slapped the phone and her hand out of my face, but not before I saw she was telling the truth. The time stamp was indeed the day after his accident in L.A.

Kristina hissed in anger at my action but I ignored her. My focus was on Logan.

“Say something!” I was almost screaming. “Stop just standing there looking confused, and say something that actually means something!”

“Maddie, please.” Logan grabbed my arm, his expression despairing. “I’m not saying I don’t want to be with you. I’m just trying to figure out what the hell is going on.”

I ripped my arm from his grasp. I felt utterly betrayed. I had given myself to Logan, body and soul, and yet, he was still doubting our relationship. A part of me knew that this must be confusing for him, because he only knew what was being told, and shown, to him. But he couldn’t believe Kristina after the night we had just shared.

“I can’t believe you actually believe her,” I said with a pained laugh. I was on the edge of hysteria. “What are you going to do one day when you wake up and realize that you fucked up? You’ll be married to her, living a perfect life with a white picket fence only to realize that you love me. What will you do when you get your memory back and realize your life was based on a lie.”

Logan grabbed me by my shoulders, shaking me none too gently. “Maddie, stop! I’m not saying I believe her. Just give me a goddamned minute to process this. You can’t understand what it’s like to have gaping holes in your memory and people telling you about your own life that you can’t fucking remember!”

I pulled away from him and collapsed onto the couch, burying my face in my hands. I wanted to sob but I couldn’t even get that release of emotion. The pain was so overwhelming, it was as if my body went into shock.

“Kristina, I think you should leave.” Logan’s voice was tense.

“She’s just trying to get your sympathy again!” Kristina cried. “This is how she manipulates you. I won’t let you fall for it again.”

“Please.” Logan’s voice was firm. “You need to leave. I’ll let you know when I’m ready to talk.”

“I’m your fucking fiancée. She’s your soon-to-be ex-girlfriend. Don’t I take precedence?” Kristina was shrieking at this point.

“I’m only going to say this one more time.” Logan’s voice had turned to steel. “You need to leave. I’ll contact you when I’m ready to talk.”

There was silence, and the tension was palpable. I could hear how angry Kristina was by her rapid breathing.

“Fine,” she finally said, sounding hurt. “But I expect to hear from you by the end of the day.”

Logan didn’t answer. My head was still in my hands but I heard him ushering her to the door, and then the door opening and closing. I didn’t look up when I heard Logan’s footsteps return and stop in front of me.

“Maddie.” His voice was gentle and I felt the cushion next to me bear the weight of his body. “Please don’t be so upset.”

I raised my head to look at him. His face was etched with concern, but it was cold comfort after hearing him say he didn’t know what to believe. What he really meant was, he didn’t know whom to believe. Which meant he thought I could be a liar.

“How can you tell me not to be upset?” I tried not to sound pathetic, but my voice was thick with unshed tears. “You basically just said you think there’s a chance I’m lying to you.”