Mack laughed loudly. “I’ll have you know I’ve never even seen that movie. When it comes to romantic movies, Say Anything is more my speed.”

“I love that movie! Growing up, I

always wished that someone would hold up a boombox outside my bedroom window to profess his undying love to me.”

Mack raised an eyebrow. “That’s all it takes to win you over? Logan should’ve tried that years ago.”

The mention of Logan sobered my thoughts. For a moment, Mack had taken my mind off my troubles, but now I was consumed with wondering what Kristina was saying to Logan.

Mack must have noticed my mood change because he steered the conversation to lighter topics, but I was distracted by my worried thoughts. I checked my watch. It had been almost an hour since I had left Logan’s room. That was plenty of time for them to talk.

“Maybe we should go back,” I said. I nodded toward the bag of food. “Plus our lunch is getting cold.”

“Sure,” Mack replied, grabbing the bag of food and pausing to throw out our coffee cups before following me out of the cafeteria. We were silent most of the way back to Logan’s room, but cardboard cutouts of turkeys decorating a bulletin board behind the nurse’s station reminded me about Thanksgiving.

“Since you’re not going home for Thanksgiving, why don’t you spend it with us?” I suggested. I hoped that plans with Logan to spend Thanksgiving together weren’t going to be changed because of Kristina. “I’m not the greatest cook, but I can make a crack at making the turkey.”

“I’d like that,” Mack said with a smile. “Thanks.”

I didn’t say anything else because we had reached Logan’s door. I took a deep breath before opening it. I steeled myself for another confrontation with Kristina, but Logan was alone in the room.

“Where’s Kristina?” I asked, hoping that she was gone for good.

“We talked and I told her it was for the best that she leave for the day.” Logan didn’t explain further, and I was itching to know exactly what had transpired between them. I couldn’t resist digging for details.

“What did you guys talk about?” I felt pathetic for asking, but I had to know.

“She just told me about our past relationship. She made it sound like we had a great romance akin to Cleopatra and Mark Antony.” Logan gave a mock frown. “Maybe that wasn’t the best reference since they both ended up dying.”

I didn’t know how to take Logan’s levity at the situation. On one hand, it was good that he didn’t seem to be taking Kristina seriously. On the other hand, I wasn’t sure I liked him joking about such a serious matter. My emotions were being put through the wringer while Logan made light of the situation.

“Are you going to see her again?” I hated asking the question and I felt embarrassed that I looked so desperate in front of Mack, but I couldn’t stop myself from asking.

Logan’s expression turned serious. “I think it’s a good idea for me to talk to as many people as possible to help jar my memory.” He walked a few feet to close the gap between us and raised his hand, cupping my cheek and brushing his thumb against it. “But you have nothing to worry about. Even without my memories, I know that she’s no comparison to you. Even if my mind can’t remember, my body knows that you and I belong together.”

I swallowed hard at his words. I anticipated his kiss when he leaned down, but the sound of someone clearing his throat made me freeze. I had completely forgotten about Mack behind me.

Logan straightened, looking annoyed, but it was replaced with a smile when he saw Mack. “You, again. Didn’t you say you were in town for work? How much work can you get done when you’re always here?”

Mack held up the bag of food. “Hey, we all have to eat, even someone as impossibly awesome as me.”

Mack’s joke set the mood and we had an enjoyable lunch, although my mind kept straying to Kristina. I wondered where she was right now, and what she was planning to do. I wasn’t naïve enough to think I was rid of her. I wanted to give Logan the third degree about their conversation, but it would be too desperate. Besides, Logan had already reassured me that I had nothing to worry about. If only I could believe him.

Mack had to return to work after lunch, leaving me and Logan alone.

“Are you looking forward to going home tomorrow?” I asked.

“Absolutely. I’m tired of being confined to this room, and every time a nurse comes in, she tries to make me lie down.”

“Mack is extending his trip and will be in town next week. I invited him to spend Thanksgiving with us.” I paused before continuing, hoping our plans hadn’t changed with the appearance of Kristina. “Do you have a preference of doing it at your place or mine?”

“Why don’t we do it at my apartment,” Logan said, leaning back against the couch. “I want to be someplace familiar.”

I wanted to tell him he was plenty familiar with my apartment, considering he spent half his time there, but I didn’t push it. It was frustrating for him not to remember, but getting upset wouldn’t help.

I stayed a few more hours before leaving. I had offered to come back the next day to help Logan home after he was discharged, but he insisted it wasn’t necessary. Truthfully, I was afraid that Kristina would show up again, but Logan said he would prefer it if I just came over to his apartment later in the day. I wanted to argue, but I had to remind myself that despite Logan losing parts of his memory, he wasn’t a child, and he was more than capable of getting himself home.

Emily called later that night and we spent over an hour on the phone as I told her about everything that had happened today. She then dropped the bomb that there was a chance she was moving to New York. Her boss wanted to open another office there, and she was considering sending Emily to help set it up. I was enthusiastic and encouraging about the prospect because I knew Emily was excited about it, but I was scared to lose her. There was already the possibility of losing Logan, and now my biggest support system was possibly moving. I swallowed my fears and told her I hoped the move happened for her sake, although I would miss her.