“Then why was she at the hospital? Why did you even tell her about the accident?”

Mack grimaced. “The way Logan feels about you is the way Kristina felt about Logan. She heard he was in town and was pestering me about setting up a meeting between them. I told her there was no way I would do that, but I was pretty upset when I heard about Logan’s accident and she happened to call, so it just came out.”

“But then Logan let her visit him in the hospital,” I said accusingly, as if Mack were responsible for that, too. “Why would he do that?”

Mack paused before answering. “I know Logan tried to minimize his accident, but his condition was pretty serious. His doctors were trying to prepare us for Logan not waking up for a while. I was actually getting ready to contact you to let you know about the accident when he woke up. Even though he was in and out of consciousness, he was adamant that we not call you because he said you would make yourself crazy with worry. In the midst of all that, Kristina kept pestering to visit, and I guess it was just easier for Logan to say yes instead of fight it.”

I felt a surge of anger hearing that Logan hadn’t wanted me to know what had happened. He would do anything for me, yet he didn’t want me to know about his accident, knowing how upset I would be to be left in the dark. Mack’s explanation pissed me off rather than reassuring me. A part of me wanted to confront Logan as soon as he came back to the table, but I took a deep breath, forcing myself to calm down. Despite what Mack was telling me about Logan’s faithfulness, I needed time to think it over before I talked to Logan about it.

“This is probably a lot to ask from you, considering you’re Logan’s friend, not mine, but I would appreciate it if you don’t tell him about this conversation. I need to talk to him about it in my own time, when I’m ready.”

Mack gave me a disappointed look. “You’re still doubting him? Look, Madison, if there’s one thing you can count on, it’s Logan only having eyes for you.”

I shook my head, not wanting to discuss it anymore. I was afraid Logan would pop up any second and overhear us. “Just promise me you won’t tell him that I asked you about him and Kristina.”

He sighed but acquiesced. “I won’t mention this conversation to him. It would serve no purpose except to upset him.”

I was relieved that he agreed to keep this between us, but I didn’t miss the way he was looking at me now. Before, his face had been open and inviting, but it was closed off now. I couldn’t help feeling like I had disappointed him somehow, but I shrugged it off. It didn’t matter since I barely knew him, and I doubted I would see him again after tonight.

I saw Logan walking towards us and I tried to muster up a smile. I saw Mack look at him, but his face was still dark. I wanted to kick him under the table so that he would stop looking so suspicious.

“Sorry it took so long,” Logan apologized as he sat back down. He glanced at our plates. “You guys didn’t need to wait for me.”

Neither Mack nor I had touched our food, but it wasn’t because we were being polite and waiting for his return. I had forgotten about the food in front of me during our brief, but intense, conversation.

“We just got caught up in conversation,” I said with a smile as I took a bite of my swordfish. My appetite was gone and I might as well have been eating cardboard.

“What were you guys talking about?” Logan dug into his steak enthusiastically.

I glanced at Mack and he looked back at me with an impassive expression. He was silent, apparently waiting for me to come up with a lie, which I figured was only fair since I was the one asking to keep our conversation private.

“Just about law school and your wild partying days,” I lied.

Logan raised his eyebrows. “I think Mack did enough partying for both of us. I spent most of my time studying.”

Mack laughed, apparently deciding to push aside whatever issues he had in regards to my questioning him about Logan and Kristina. The rest of dinner went well, but I noticed that Mack wasn’t so quick to joke around with me anymore. I told myself I didn’t care, but I had instantly liked him, and it was a little disappointing that he obviously didn’t care for me anymore. But in the scheme of things, it really didn’t matter. All that mattered was Logan and finding out the truth about his relationship with Kristina.

I was full and tired after dinner was over, and was relieved when the check was settled and it was time to leave. We said our goodbyes as we waited for our cars at the valet. I was thankful when Logan’s car came up first because I was more than ready to escape Mack’s scrutiny.

“It was good seeing you,” Logan said after he took the keys from the valet. “Let’s try to get lunch sometime this week before you leave.”

“Definitely.” Mack slapped his back, in what was, I guess, a man hug. He turned to me, and he was still smiling, but the smile didn’t reach his eyes. “It was nice meeting you, Madison.”

I forced a quick smile. “You, too. Have a good rest of the night.”

I didn’t look back as Logan helped me into the car, but I could feel Mack’s gaze on me and I knew it was full of censure.

“That was a nice dinner,” I said, as we drove home, wanting to make sure Logan didn’t suspect anything.

“I’m glad you liked Mack. He’s a good guy. Of course, I knew he would like you.?


I stared at the road ahead. It was getting late and there weren’t too many cars on the road, but the lights of the city kept it from being too dark.

“Yeah,” I finally answered. “He seems like a good guy.”

My chest felt tight. I was keeping too many things from Logan. I wasn’t going about this the right way. What did I think I would accomplish by interrogating Mack? I was just too scared to confront Logan. I was scared that he would tell me something I wouldn’t be able to bear hearing, whether it was a truth too painful, or a lie too transparent. But all I was doing was putting more walls between us. I needed to be brave enough to be honest with him, and deal with the aftermath.