His eyes are full of love, anticipation, and maybe a little fear. I think it’s time to put him out of his misery. I drop to my knees, and he lets out a harsh breath. “Yes,” I whisper, peppering kisses across his face. “Yes! Yes! Yes!”

“Yes?” he asks, his bright eyes roaming my face. I nod once and he glides his fingers up my arms, stopping when he has my neck cradled between his warm hands. I watch in slow motion as his mouth descends on mine. Our tongues collide, but this time it isn’t a lust-fueled battle. It’s sweet, sensual, and full of more love than I could ever convey with words.

Tyson pulls away all too soon. I whimper at the loss of his mouth against mine and he chuckles. “This is perfect,” he says, waving his hand between us. “This…it’s…”

He’s obviously at a loss for words, so I interrupt him. “It’s perfect, because we’re together—in each other's arms—right where we belong.”


Please keep reading for a preview of Nevaeh Lee's debut solo novel Defying All Odds.

I'M GOING TO BE wordy because I have a ton of people to thank, so please forgive me. This book has been a dream come true for me, a literal bucket list check-off, and hands down I could not have finished it without the support of my amazing husband. Honey, thank you for ignoring the messy floors, loads of unfolded laundry, and sink constantly full of dirty dishes. Thank you for getting up with the kids every morning and letting me sleep because I stayed up way too late writing or editing. Your endless

stream of encouragement means more to me than I could ever tell you and I love you so very much!

Alexis—oh Alexis. 'Thank you' seems so insignificant. One of the best things I got out of writing this book was your friendship. You took me under your wing, guided me, plotted with me, encouraged me, and laughed with me. Thank you for always being there for me, no matter the question or concern. I promise not to be so crazy the next go around!

My soul sister, Nevaeh Lee. I am thrilled that we somehow managed to find each other in the chaotic Facebook world. We learned quickly that we totally suck at buddy reading, but oh boy, did we have fun! Our connection was instant on so many levels—you know the ones—and I've told you a thousand times that fate brought us together!

S.G. Thomas, my amazing editor. When we met, you didn’t know I was writing a book, and I had no idea you were an editor. After you read my prologue, you sent me a message on Facebook—a message I will never forget. ‘Holy-cow girl, you can write.’ And that was all it took. Your opinion means the world to me, and I am so grateful that you edited this book.

To Jackie and Michelle. You two have been my rock. I’ve never laughed harder than I do when I’m talking to the two of you. We literally spend every single night together, and it’s because of those nights that I was able to finish this book. You pushed me, cheered me on, and picked me up, and your friendship means the world to me.

Barbara, I feel like we were insta-friends! I’ve absolutely loved getting to know you, and your kind words, encouragement, and friendship has been the highlight of many of my days. It’s never a dull moment when we get together online—or on the phone! And I can’t forget the way you swooped in and saved my tushy. In fact, I’m certain I’ll never be able to repay you for that!

Livia and Ana, both of you only knew me for five minutes, and yet you jumped right in to help me with a scene—or scenes. Your generosity and kindness are inspiring, and I am so thankful to each of you. Elisabeth, Keshia, and Mia, thank you for answering question after question after question. The three of you opened yourselves up to me when no one else would and for that, you guys rock!

To the girls at Three Girls and a Book Obsession. Thank you so much for rocking my cover reveal! I’ve loved working with you and getting to know each of you. You girls are wonderful at what you do!

Lastly, thank you to the bloggers that participated in my cover reveal and blog tour. Thank you for sharing my teasers and sending me messages of encouragement. It’s because of you that indie authors like myself get their books noticed.

K.L. Grayson resides in a small town outside of St. Louis, MO. She is entertained daily by her extraordinary husband, who will forever inspire every good quality she writes in a man. Her entire life rests in the palms of six dirty little hands, and when the day is over and those pint-sized cherubs have been washed and tucked into bed, you can find her typing away furiously on her computer. She has a love for alpha-males, brownies, reading, tattoos, sunglasses, and happy endings…and not particularly in that order.

Defying All Odds

by Nevaeh Lee

Chapter 1


He shot my damn dog.

This could not be happening.

Granted, that dog was annoying as hell and did bark his head off when the guy forced his way inside the house. But still….

If he had waited half a second, he would have realized that the only threat that stupid dog posed was maybe licking someone to death.

I guess it wouldn’t help to point that out now.

Especially since there were more pressing matters at hand, namely the gun barrel pressed in between my breasts. And the beyond creepy-looking delivery guy who I’d bet my favorite pair of skinny jeans wasn’t really a delivery guy, but who was looking at me like he just struck gold.


Time for a quick assessment of this situation.

The creepy delivery guy-who-probably-wasn’t-a-delivery-guy was holding a gun, and he’s obviously not afraid to use it. He didn’t even hesitate before killing my dog, and my best guess was that he didn’t think much more highly of me. He wasn’t wearing a mask, which meant that whatever he had in mind—and I’m afraid I knew exactly what he had in mind—he would kill me when he’s done. There would be no reason to leave me alive and his self-preservation dictated my death.