I nod once, chuckling when Harley scoffs at Max’s ‘cootie’ comment. “That, and because I only camp out with really big, strong men, like you.”

Max’s eyebrows shoot to his hairline and he licks his lips, his big brown eyes bouncing from my face to Harley’s several times. He offers me a slow smile. “Y-you would camp out with me?”

My stomach hardens and my heart stomps wildly in my chest when I consider the fact that Max has never had another guy ask him to go camping. Shit, I use to love to go camping when I was his age. Some of the best memories I have with my dad and brother are of us pitching a tent in the backyard and roasting marshmallows over the fire pit while my dad told us scary stories. I know I’m not his dad, but I love this little boy, and I can tell deep in my heart that this is a pivotal moment between the two of us.

“You bet your as—er, butt I would!” Harley slaps my arm at my word fumble. “There isn’t anyone else I would want to go camping with.”

“Not even my mom?” he asks quickly, bouncing up and down on his toes.

“Nope,” I say, glancing at Harley and winking, “not even her.?

? I scrunch my nose as though the thought of camping with Harley disgusts me, and Max erupts in a fit of giggles right before he throws himself against my chest. Two little arms wrap around my neck, and for a split second I’m stunned still. Then I do the only thing I really want to do…I hold him.

“Thanks, Ty,” he says sincerely against my neck, right before he wrenches free from my arms. Jumping to his feet, he takes off down the hall.

“Wait! Where are you going?” I yell after him.

“To get my sleeping bag!” he hollers back.

Harley laughs, reaching her arms out to pull me against her. “That was so sweet of you,” she says, kissing the side of my neck.

“Sweet isn’t the right word,” Quinn quips. “More like sexy as fucking hell. I don’t think I’ve ever wanted to rip your clothes off as badly as I do right now.”

I grin, waggling my eyebrows suggestively as I look at Quinn. “So you’ve thought about ripping them off before?” I ask, cocking my head to the side. Harley’s head whips back and she glares at Quinn, pointing a finger at her.

“Quinn…” Harley warns with a smile.

“What?” she asks innocently. “He’s fucking hot. Of course I’ve thought about ripping his clothes off. In fact,” she pauses, a mischievous grin spreading across her face as she kneels down to whisper so only Harley and I can hear her, “how do you guys feel about a ménage?”

“I—” Harley throws a hand across my mouth before I can finish.

“I don’t even want to hear what you have to say,” she scolds. I know she isn’t really upset because her bright eyes are smiling and I can see a grin tugging at the corner of her mouth. Removing her hand, she kisses me softly before turning to Quinn. “And that would be a ‘no,’ in case you were wondering.” She high-fives her friend before grabbing the blanket off the floor to fold it. “But nice try.”

Quinn curtsies, shooting me a wink as she walks toward the kitchen. Reaching out, I grab the folded quilt from Harley and leaning down, I kiss her cheek and whisper, “I was only going to say that there was no way in hell I was willing to share you.”

When her eyes find mine, they are full of adoration. Cupping my free hand around her neck, I pull her to me. Her lips part on a sigh and she pushes her tongue into my mouth. This kiss isn’t rushed or desperate like the ones from earlier today. No, this kiss is soft and gentle, and I almost lose my own footing at the promises it holds.

“Ty, you really have cooties now.” Harley pulls away, holding her hand to her mouth, embarrassed that she was caught kissing me in front of her son. Her face flushes crimson right before she turns to go find Quinn.

“Watcha got there, buddy?” I ask, sitting down on the floor next to Max.

“It’s my backpack. I’m going to pack it for camping,” he says excitedly, and I hate that I have to tell him we can’t go tonight.

“Max?” He looks at me, stopping the movement of his little hands. “We can’t go camping tonight.” His face falls and I hurry to explain, “You have daycare tomorrow, and your mom and I have to get up early for work. But I promise you, we will go camping this weekend. How about Friday?”

He opens his backpack and pulls out a thick envelope. “Okay,” he sighs, pinning his chocolate eyes to mine. “But you promise?”

Sticking my hand out, I offer him my pinky. “I pinky swear.” His tiny lips purse and he furrows his brow.

“What do I do with that?” he asks, looking at me, then down at my pinky, and then back up to me.

“It’s a pinky swear,” I say, amazed that he has no idea what I’m talking about. He continues to stare at me like I’m an alien, so I reach out and wrap my pinky around his.

“See,” I say, shaking our joined pinkies in the air. “It means neither one of us can back out because we made a pinky swear.”

“Cool!” he says, beaming up at me, right as Quinn and Harley walk back into the room. Max scoots toward me and holds out the envelope in his hands.

“This is for you,” he says quietly, his hands fidgeting in his lap after I take the envelope.