"Never. I'll never stand you up." She nods once and then walks to the table, pi

cking up both plates.

"Let me reheat these and we can eat." Her words gut me and guilt rises, thick in my chest. She and Max went out of their way to plan something nice for me, and I repaid them by completely screwing it up.

Following her to the microwave, I grab the plates from her before she can put them down and I set them on the counter. Her curious eyes follow my every move. "I'm not hungry," I inform her. "At least not for food."

Turning around, I stalk back to her, grinning at the shocked look on her face. She takes a step back but ends up against the counter. Using that to my advantage, I cage her in, placing my hands on either side of her. Her eyes widen in surprise, and I guide my lips to the crook of her neck and whisper, "Where's Max?"

Her surprise quickly transforms into desire and her hands reach up, gripping my shirt. "He's gone."

"What do you mean, gone?" I ask, snapping my head up. I'm watching her face carefully, but there is no concern there, only lust…for me. As much as that realization causes my heart to race, I need to know that Max is okay. "Is he alright?"

Harley sucks her bottom lip between her teeth and averts her gaze, but that isn't going to work for me. I grip her chin, pulling her face back to mine. "Where is Max?" I repeat, this time more firmly. She's really starting to fucking scare me. If something happened to Max, I need to fucking know...now.

"He's with Quinn." I glance at my watch, noticing the time.

"Did they go to a movie or something? Do we need to go pick him up?"

Harley's eyes stay trained on mine and she shakes her head. "Is she going to drop him off?" I ask, wondering how much alone time we might have left. Her eyes flicker with mischief and she grins, shaking her head again. My stomach flutters with anticipation, desire pumping through my veins.

"So we're alone…" I pause and she nods, "…all night?" When she nods again, I take a deep breath, trying to bring myself back down from the nervous high I seem to have ended up on. Harley and I have waited for what seems like forever to be truly alone. Now that the time has come, I'm a complete ball of nerves. I need this to be perfect…for her. I've told her a thousand times how much I love her, and now I'm going to get the chance to show her.

"You're being awfully quiet," I whisper, turning her so that our positions are switched. Leaning against the counter, I widen my stance, pulling her between my legs.

She smiles shyly, a deep flush staining her cheeks, and my cock twitches. Her bright eyes glance down at her trembling hands and she opens her fists, splaying her fingers across my chest. This time when she lifts her face, her gaze is full of anticipation.

I'VE DREAMT OF THIS moment for so long that I never considered how I would feel if it ever actually came true. What if he doesn't find me attractive? What if his expectations are too high and I somehow disappoint him? My heart rate speeds up. This is going to change everything. How we proceed right now is going to directly affect every single moment between us from here on out. Oh God.

“Are you okay?” Tyson asks, his gentle voice breaking through my thoughts.

I take a deep breath. “I…I’m not sure I can do this,” I confess. My chest quivers as a sob threatens to rip from my throat. Tears dampen my eyes as fears resurface. “I…

I mean, I can do this. I want to.” I glance away as I struggle to form the words.

This should be easier. I want this. I want us—but I’m scared.

“Talk to me,” he whispers, linking his hands behind my back. “I need to know what's going on up here,” he says, kissing my forehead. “I don't want to push you into doing something you're not ready to do.”

“I am ready,” I insist, not sure if I'm trying to convince him or myself. “I just don't want to disappoint you.”

He flinches and then ducks his head so that we’re eye to eye. “Why would you think you would disappoint me, Harley? I'm in love with you.” His hands trail up my body, framing my face. “You cannot disappoint me.”

“But what if I do? What if I'm not what you expect?” I ask, raising my eyebrows. “What if you don't feel the same way about me when this is over?” I swallow hard, my eyes shifting between his.

“Harley,” he says softly, gliding a hand down my cheek. “There is no way you could ever disappoint me.” I sigh, closing my eyes. “I need you to trust me,” he says. “I need you to trust that I will never hurt you.”

I lean into him, bringing my forehead to his lips again. “I know you won't. I didn't mean it like that, I just…”

I can't believe I'm doing this. I'm letting my fears and insecurities taint the one thing that I've waited for my entire life. Truth slams into me like a freight train. Butterflies take flight in my stomach as hope blooms. Ty has proven himself to me repeatedly. Not only has he been here for me, but he's also been here for Max, proving to us that he is here to stay.

Beyond that, I love him. I've always loved him. My lungs suck in the air between us, letting all of my worries go when I exhale.

Lifting my face so I can look deep into his eyes, I lock my hands behind his neck. Kissing his chin softly, I bring my nose to his. “I do trust you,” I confirm. “I believe in you, and I believe in us.” His body sags with relief, but I'm not done. “I love you, Ty.”

“You…” Eyes wide and voice full of shock, he stands to his full height. “You love me?” he asks slowly, as if he’s afraid that he didn't hear me right.

I chuckle, loving the weight that has been lifted off my shoulders. The look of pure joy on Tyson's face is the only thing I need to know that I made the right choice. “I love you, love you.” His face sobers upon hearing the same words I said to him five years ago.