Sliding my free hand to my breast, I begin kneading and pinching my hardened nipple, starting gently and then slowly applying more pressure until the most amazing sensations shoot straight to my toes.

My heart rate increases and a fine sheen of sweat forms across my forehead as my orgasm builds. My back arches and I push my hips down, using the added force to my advantage. close.

Moving my hand and fingers fervently, I bring myself closer and closer to the place I’m so desperately trying to re—

“Were home,” Max sings loudly from the entryway.

No no no no no...

Max flings the bathroom door open and I still my hand under the water, my breath coming out in labored pants. I want nothing more than to rub the ache that I have built up, the ache that’s on the verge of exploding. It takes every ounce of willpower I have to remain still and unaffected.

This is not happening.

This is not happening.

Repeating this mantra over and over again will surely make this situation go away, right?

I purposely slow my breathing and try to appear relaxed. I open my eyes in time to see Levi come barreling into the bathroom behind Max.

“Max, what are you—” Levi's words die off as he bumps into Max, propelling him forward. Levi cocks his head to the side and his lips slowly curve into a devastating grin.

Oh, dear Lord.

Grabbing onto Max’s shoulders, Levi steers him into the hall. “Buddy, why don’t you go to your room and get your pajamas on and then crawl into bed? I’ll be there in a couple minutes to read you a book, and we’ll let your mom finish her bath." Levi’s gaze never wavers from mine as Max bounces out of the room without a backward glance.

Levi shuts the door, the click of the lock echoing loudly in my ears.

Stalking over to the tub, he sits on the edge and simply stares at me contemplatively. When he finally speaks, his voice is equal parts amusement and desire.


“Yes?" I squeak.

“What are you doing?”

“Taking a bath," I half question, half state.

“What else are you doing, Harley?”

Dropping to his knees, Levi leans in closely, brushing his lips against the outer rim of my ear. His voice is a hoarse whisper and oozes sex. “Don’t even answer that. I know exactly what Max walked in on because it's written all over your face."

His cerulean eyes and deep voice are hypnotizing and have me completely paralyzed. Using the back of his hand, he slides his fingers over my cheek. “You’re flushed,” he says softly as his hands trail down my neck, “and your pulse is racing.” As his fingertips reach the swell of my breast, he murmurs, “And you’re breathless.”

Fuck me running. This guy is sex on a stick and I'm horny as hell.

Levi leans down, the stubble on his square jaw tickling me as he nuzzles the soft spot below my ear. Dropping my head, I can’t help but watch as his hand descends past my breast and under the soapy water.

Keep going, you’re almost there.

His hand is no longer visible, but I can sure as hell feel every inch of skin it’s grazing under the water. His touch is leaving behind a tingly goodness that is quickly building the tension back up in my body. I tilt my head up, offering him my mouth, and he quickly accepts the invitation. Molding his soft lips to mine, I allow him in and our tongues begin to slide against one another effortlessly.

/> His fingers slide into me and I groan, fisting a hand in his thick black hair. Slowly, he begins to push them deep and then pull them out and back up over my clit, circling it with perfect rhythm. My pleasure begins to rip through me, eliciting a loud gasp from my wanton body.

Oh Shit! Max!

Sitting up abruptly, I dislodge Levi’s hand from between my legs. “We can’t do this. I have to go get Max. I don’t want him wond—"