Reaching up, Tyson ruffles his hair again. "Max here is washing the vegetables so he can make a…" he trails off, encouraging Max to finish his sentence.

"A salad!" Max answers proudly, beaming his white smile up at me. "I'm making you and Quinn a salad. DO YOU LIKE SALAD, QUINN?" he bellows over his shoulder, obviously assuming that Quinn is in the other room.

"I LOVE SALAD," she yells, right behind Max. He startles, his body jerking, and a fit of laughter spews from his mouth.

"You scared me!" he says in between giggles. She sidles up next to him and starts to help him wash the vegetables, giving Tyson and me a moment to relish the huge step we just took.

Turning in my arms, Ty laces his fingers through mine and wraps our joined hands around my back, pulling me flush against his chest.

"Hi." His smile is infectious and I'm so grateful I was finally able to pull my head out of my ass.

"Hi yourself," I whisper back. Tyson leans forward, placing a gentle kiss on the end of my nose.

"EWWWW!" Max snickers, looking from us to Quinn. "He kissed her nose!" Then he turns back to Ty, pointing his little finger. "You kissed her nose!"

"Oh my gosh!" Tyson reaches up, dramatically wiping his arm across his mouth. "Does your mom have cooties?"

Max throws his head back and snorts with laughter. "You have cooties." We all start laughing at Max's antics and Tyson turns a serious face to me.

"Did you give me cooties?" he asks accusingly.

"Who me?" I hold my hands up, feigning innocence. "Never. Besides…you have to kiss someone's lips to give them cooties. Like this!" Grabbing Max's face, I slap a kiss against his mouth.

"Ewwww!" Max squeals, jumping off the stool. He wipes furiously at his mouth as Tyson, Quinn, and I watch with amusement at the simplicity of the moment.

What I wouldn't give to go back in time and have nothing to worry about except whether or not someone gave me cooties.

"Alright! Enough cootie passing. Max and I have a dinner to make."

I don't put up a fight when Ty puts a glass of wine in my hand and pushes me into the living room, along with Quinn. When I'm settled on the couch and Quinn is flipping through channels, Tyson comes barreling back in. Leaning over me, he pins me against the couch, his hands on either side of my head. Tenderness and passion are warring for a spot on his face as his eyes bore into mine. He drops his mouth, capturing mine, and gives me a sweet kiss.

"Thank you," he murmurs against my mouth. "Thank you for doing that."

"You're welcome," I respond with not an ounce of regret. His lips trail over to my ear and his tongue darts out, sucking my lobe into his mouth. When he bites down, every nerve ending in my body tingles, shooting warmth and pleasure straight to my core.

"I love you," he whispers, kissing my cheek before he walks back into the kitchen.

This man owns me.

I NEED TO SEE one last patient and then get out of here…this has been the day from hell.

"Hey!" Avery walks up, shrugging on her lab coat.

It's horrible, I know it is, but I don't even want to talk to her—or anyone, for that matter. I'm exhausted and crabby, and I'd give just about anything to go home and pass out for a day…or two.

"Hey," I respond, rubbing my hands over my face, a last-ditch effort to keep myself awake.

"Wow. Rough day, huh?" she asks, handing me a cup of coffee. I shake my head, refusing to drink anything that will keep me awake.

‘Rough day’ doesn't even begin to describe it. "You have no idea."

"Go home," she says, patting my back. "I've got this one." She reaches out, grabbing the notes I’d jotted down on a piece of paper.

Yes! "Are you sure?" I look down at my watch. "Your shift doesn't even start for another twenty minutes."

"It's fine," she says, waving me off. "Consider it your birthday present. How old are you again?" she snickers. "I swear I heard you're pushing thirty."

Ever since they shared tears in the bathroom at Blue, Avery and Harley have become fast friends. "You guys talk way too much."