"Weird…but awesome," Quinn replies, following behind me. "So, what are you going to get that sexy man of yours for his birthday?"

Well, shit. I hadn't thought about that. Don't get me wrong, I knew I was going to give him…well…me, but I probably need to give him something else too.

"Not sure yet. I'll come up with something though." Quinn nods in agreement.

Three hours later, my phone beeps just as we are sliding into Quinn’s car. I unlock the screen and smile at what greets me. I shove my phone in Quinn's face and she rips it out of my hand.

"Holy shit, he's hot!" I yank the phone back and smile. Yes, he is quite hot.

"Quinn, did you even see the picture?" I ask, looking at the picture Ty sent of him and Max. Tyson is smiling his million-dollar smile and Max has his cheek squished against Ty's, making a silly face. My heart melts—literally melts.

"I saw it," she replies. "Max is cute and Ty is freaking gorgeous. Was it weird leaving Max with him this morning?" she asks, glancing at me and then back at the road.

Quinn and I haven’t spent any time together since Tyson and I reconnected. So when she called and wanted to spend the afternoon shopping, I wasn't about to tell her no. Ty was more than happy to spend a few hours alone with Max, and by the look of it, they’re having a great time.

"Honey! We're home!" Quinn yells, stepping into my house.

Max comes barreling around the corner and throws himself at Quinn. "We made you guys dinner!" he chirps excitedly.

"Max!" Ty laughs. "It was supposed to be a surprise!"

"SORRY!" he yells back.

Tyson walks into the living room, a dishrag hanging over his left shoulder. He looks at Max and then at me, and smiles. My heart flutters at the adoration displayed on his face. It takes every ounce of willpower I have—plus some—to keep from throwing myself at him.

We decided right off the bat that we weren't going to be affectionate in front of Max. We also didn’t want to try and explain anything to him until we were certain that this was going in the right direction. But if the daily sight of my son wrapped up and giggling in Ty’s big, strong arms isn't a sign of good things to come, then I don't know what is.

"Come on, Ty!" Max hollers. "Let's finish dinner." Tyson scoops up Max, tossing him over his shoulder, and Max lifts his head, waving at Quinn and me. A snort slips from his nose when Tyson tickles his side.

Quinn and I watch the two of them walk into the kitchen and she nudges me with her elbow. "Please tell me that turns you on," she says, still staring in the direction they just walked. I know exactly what she's talking about. Watching Tyson and Max interact and get to know one another has been the most awesome experience. He is so good with Max, and it's clear that Max already owns a little piece of his heart. Watching Tyson with Max is, in fact, a huge turn on—for me, anyway.

"It does," I exhale. "It so does."

"What does Max think?" she asks, turning toward me.

We should tell him. He's too perceptive not to pick up on it, but it’s such a big step, and up until about five seconds ago, I wasn't sure I was ready.

"We haven't told him."

Quinn's eyes widen. "Why the hell not?"

"I want to…" I say, not answering her question. My eyes dart into the kitchen. Max is standing on a step stool in front of the sink, washing vegetables, and Tyson is next to him, encouraging and praising him for doing a good job. My heart squeezes at the sight of them together and something snaps.

"I'm going to," I confirm, stepping away from Quinn. I make my way to the kitchen and Quinn follows behind. I'm such an idiot. Tyson has become such a huge part of my life—not to mention, Max's—and I've been keeping him at arm’s length, denying to everyone except the two of us what he means to me. Well, not anymore. If he wants in, he's in.

"What's going on in here…" I ask suspiciously. Tyson throws a wink over his shoulder and ruffles Max's hair.

"Max here is—" His words cut off when I press against his back, my hands resting at his sides. Panic flashes across his face as I slide my arms around his middle, flattening my palms against his stomach. I smile at him reassuringly and his face lights up with understanding. With his right hand still firmly planted against Max's back, all other sensations fly out the window when I feel his rough hand slide along my forearm. When his hand reaches mine, he stops, gripping it gently.

Thank you, he mouths, his neck cocked back and to the side so that he can see my face. My eyes burn with happiness and I drop my chin to his shoulder. You're welcome, I mouth back.

This is right.

It's so right.

I can feel it in my bones. Deeper than that, I can feel it in my soul.

"What?" Max demands, looking at Tyson. "You said 'Max here is' and then you stopped. You can't do that." His brows are dipped low in frustration as he watches Ty.