Thank God, this time Ty didn't freak. Nope, we've been interrupted so many times that he was cool as a cucumber. I, on the other hand, was not. Tyson merely laughed, dried himself off, and pulled his pants on, while I squeezed past the bathroom door in my robe and stuttered my way through a quick conversation with Max.

"So what happened?"

"Max had to pee, and then he wanted a drink of water. By the time I got him back in bed and took a shower, our flame had officially been doused."

Quinn clicked her tongue several times. "You guys need some alone time."

"Um…HELLO! You don't think I know that?" Tyson's birthday is in five days and I would love to get some alone time with him. Unfortunately, mom and dad already have plans that night, so I was kind of hoping I could rope either Quinn or Levi into watching Max for me.

"Harley," Quinn purses her lips. "Why didn't you just ask? You know I'm always more than happy to help out with Max." Christ, I love this girl.

"Thank you, Quinn." Reaching across the table, I give her hand a firm squeeze. "It's hard sometimes for me to ask for help, especially from you and Levi. You're both still single and have your own lives."

When my head drops, she snaps her fingers in front of my face, and I look at up her. She's smiling, her eyes dancing with amusement. Well, I'm glad she finds this amusing.

"Harley, you and Max are part of my life—end of story. It doesn't matter if I'm single or attached. Someday, if I find someone—"

"Wait. What happened to that mystery guy you were telling me about?" I can't believe I forgot to probe her about that.

She waves her hand dismissively. "Nothing. It didn't go anywhere."

Seriously? That's it? She's going to have to give me more than that. "Who was it?" I ask, leaning into the table.

Her eyes study me for a beat, and then she looks down and shoves a bite of ice cream into her mouth. "It was Mason," she mumbles, swallowing hard.

My eyes widen and I scoot forward in my seat. "What? You and Mason?" Honest to God, I had no idea they even had a thing for each other. "How long were you guys..." I trail off and her eyes snap to mine.

"Not long. Really, it was nothing," she says, her voice flat. Her eyes bounce around the room and when they land back on me, I notice the spark that's normally there is gone.

My heart squeezes inside my chest. Quinn may come off rough and tough but deep down she's a sensitive—soul, she just doesn't express it that well. "Quinn, if it was Mason, then it wasn't nothing. Mason doesn't do nothing."

She nods slowly, but doesn't say a word. I can tell by her rapid blinking and the shoveling of ice cream into her mouth, that she's trying to keep from showing any emotion. "Quinny." Reaching across the table, I try to grip her hand, but she pulls away before I have the chance.

"I really don't want to talk about this, okay?" Her chin quivers and I relent, not wanting to push her too far.

"Okay," I nod. She takes a deep breath, blows it out slowly, and just as quickly as she disappeared, happy Quinn resurfaces.

"Okay. So like I was saying before you so rudely interrupted me," she shoots me a wink, "someday, if I find someone—"

"When," I interject, and she rolls her eyes in response.

"If I find someone, they'll have to be okay with the fact that you and Max are a package deal." A lump forms in my throat. Hands down, I couldn't ask for a better girlfriend than Quinn.

"So, when do you want me to watch him?"

Clearing my throat, I ask, "Can you keep him this Friday? It's Ty's birthday and I was hoping—"

"Done!" she declares, beaming at me. "Want me to keep him for a few hours, or do I get to keep the handsome little devil for the night?"

"Um…for the night?"

Quinn straightens her back. "Harley," she snaps. "No. Just no. You need to give me more conviction and a little less of whatever that was."

Oh, Quinn…always trying to make me stronger. Little does she know that she is this rare breed of woman who all other women strive to be. But I'll humor her, just this time. Straightening my back, I pin her with a firm gaze. "You'll keep him for the night. Pick him up at three so I have time to plan something, and don't bring him back the next day until I call and tell you to."

She bursts out laughing, laying her hand across her chest. "I am so proud. My little girl is all grown up," she says with an exaggerated sniff.

"You're so weird, Quinn." I pick up my tray, wrap my purse over my shoulder, and slide out of the booth.