Now I have to leave before I act on these thoughts. “It’s late. You’re exhausted, I’m exhausted, and we both have to work tomorrow. Plus," I kiss her nose, "I’m coming over to make you and Max dinner tomorrow night, so I need you nice and rested.”

Her face brightens with the most gorgeous smile I've ever seen, and I make a mental note that making dinner for her and Max makes her a very happy woman. And making her a very happy woman is at the top of my to-do list.

“But I just got you,” she grumbles, her smile slowly fading. “I’m not ready to let go quite yet." Isn't that the truth?

Maybe it's the way her eyes misted over when she said that or perhaps it was the way her voice softened, but something snapped inside of my chest. Something powerful and way beyond anything I've ever felt. As though she felt it too, Harley leans forward, lowering her forehead to mine.

“I don't want to go either," I say, grabbing her hand, linking our fingers together. "But we’ve literally been together for—" I lean back, looking at the clock on her wall “—three hours. I think it’s a little too soon to have sleepovers." She bends forward, pressing her entire body against mine, and claims my mouth. I open up for her, grip her neck in my hand, and we kiss wildly, breaking contact only when we're both panting and out of breath.

“Tomorrow." I say, kissing her nose, each eyelid, and her chin. “And every day after that. Okay?”

She huffs out a breath. “Okay.”

WE SPEND THE NEXT two days at work texting back and forth, eating lunch together, and both days I pulled her into an empty exam room, locked the door, and we made out like two horny teenagers. Both nights after work, I arrived at her house to find Max ready and waiting for me.

Max and I played soccer, freeze tag, built a fort, played Candy Land—he totally cheated, by the way—and then both nights he stood on a chair at the counter and asked a million and one questions while he helped me make dinner for his mom.

After tucking Max into bed, Harley and I stayed up late into the night—both nights—getting reacquainted. We alternated between deep sensual kisses and heartfelt conversations that left both of us either on the verge of hysterical laughter or tears. It’s been fun getting to know her again, and I enjoyed telling her about my time in New York. She said she’s never been so I vowed to myself that someday soon I would take her and Max.

We both learned that not a whole lot about either of us has changed. When asked, Harley danced around what happened with her during the first couple of years after I left, and I let her get away with it—for now.

One thing I’ve learned is that Harley is a very physical person, which is something I never would have guessed. She likes to be touched, and if I’m not touching her, then she is touching me in some way or another. But don’t get me wrong, I’m not complaining—that woman can touch me any damn time.

I’ve also learned that she loves when I talk dirty to her. No joke, it sends her from zero to sixty in two seconds flat. The first time I did it she ended up straddling me, shoving that delicate little hand of hers down the front of my pants. The second time, she let out a noise so fucking erotic, I had her flat on her back with her shirt and bra bunched up around her neck before she could even register what had happened. Both times I had to diffuse the situation before it went too far.

Honestly, I’m not sure how much more I can take though. I don’t want to stop her, and I know that one of these days I won’t be able to. There is a passion between the two of us that is unexplainable. It’s something I never felt with Brit—hell, with anyone—and I know that if we aren’t able to act on it soon, one of us is going to combust.

I've always enjoyed work and have never been bothered by back-to-back shifts…until Harley and Max. Now I hate working the long hours and spend the entire time thinking about them and wondering what they are doing. We text and talk, and she and Max send me a few goofy selfies, but it’s not the same. I want to be with them.

Today is my day off and waiting for Harley to finish her shift has been hell. I watched a baseball game I had recorded, thought about Harley, did laundry, thought about Harley, went for a run, thought about Max…and Harley.

I finally got fed up and drove to the sporting goods store. If I couldn't stop thinking about them, then I was going to do something for them. I remembered Max telling me that he was going to ask for a soccer goal—one of those little portable ones—for Christmas. Well, he won’t need to ask for it. Not only did I buy two goals, but I also got him shin guards and a new ball. I would have gotten him a new pair of cleats, but I didn't know what size he wore.

The two goals are lined up in their front yard and I'm sitting on the porch, tossing the ball around, when they pull into the driveway. Max jumps out of the car, running over to one of the goals at full speed. "Wow," he says, rubbing his little hand along the orange pole. His sparkling eyes find me and a wide grin splits his face.

He looks at the goal and then at his mom, at the goal again, and then finally at me. His voice is innocent and full of wonder as he walks toward me, asking, "Is this for me?"

"It is," I confirm, squatting down to his level. "So is this," I hand him the new ball, "and these." When I hand him the shin guards, he looks at his overflowing arms and then back at me. His smile is beaming and spontaneous laughter bursts from his mouth. The look of pure joy and amazement about drops me to my knees. I've known Max for less than a week and already there isn't a thing I wouldn't do for him.

Dropping the equipment out of his hands, Max propels his little body at mine with so much force that he knocks me off-balance, causing both of us to tumble backward. His arms latch around my neck as little fits of squeals and giggles fly out of his mouth.

"Thank you, thank you, thank you. This is so cool. You're the best. I love it! I'm gonna play with it all the time, like all the time." He takes a deep breath, pulling back to look at me. "Can I play with it now? Will you play with me?" he asks, bouncing from one foot to the other.

I pick up his equipment and hand it to him. "Absolutely. Go get your shin guards and cleats on."

"Yes!" he shouts, bouncing into the house. Straightening, I turn to Harley, and all of my excitement dissipates at the look on her face. Her eyes are misty and a trembling hand covers her mouth.

Two strides and I'm in front of her. "What's wr—oomph." This family must have a thing with throwing themselves at people. Before I can find out what's wrong, she slams her mouth against mine.

MAX, HARLEY, AND I spent the next two hours playing three-man soccer, and ended the night eating pizza and watching How To Train Your Dragon.

“Mmmm…I missed you." Harley nuzzles my neck, peppering kisses along the outside of my jaw, and my cock stirs.

Max’s head is leaning awkwardly against my arm, and if the small, wet spot forming on the sleeve of my shirt is any indication, I’m fairly certain he fell asleep. I can’t really move, but I have no desire to anyway. I like it here, wedged between a snoring four-year-old and a beautiful woman that can’t seem to keep her hands off of me.

“I missed you too,” I say, shifting my arm carefully, trying to lower Max’s head to the couch without waking him up.

“Here,” Harley says, standing up and reaching down to pick Max up off the couch. “Poor little guy wore himself out. I’m going to put him in bed." She walks off down the hall, a limp Max hanging from her arms, and I can’t help but smile. It’s a beautiful sight and it kills me that someone was actually stupid enough to walk away from the two of them.