"That was nice of you to give him a bath and read him his story. He really loves you, Quinny."

"It really was my pleasure. He fell right asleep too. I think we wore him out tonight,” she replies with a smile. "I hope I didn't impose on you though. I know how much you treasure your routine with Max."

"It's okay. You're family, and he needs more than just me in his life anyway." She doesn't respond, but I can feel the weight of her gaze and I know exactly what she's thinking. Quinn thinks I'm lonely. She’s convinced herself that I’m pining away for a man to fill a gap in our lives. She couldn't be further from the truth.

Yes, there are times when I am lonely. But five years ago my heart shattered into a million pieces, and that same night I vowed that if ever—by the grace of God—I was able to put it back together, I’d never give it away again. I’d keep it tucked away in a nice, warm, soft place where nothing bad could ever happen to it.

In an attempt at breaking the uneasiness that has settled around us, I dip my fingers in the sudsy water and flick them at her. She squeals, eyes wide, and instantly begins to spin her dishtowel, twisting it as tight as she can. Realizing what she is doing, I fling water at her again and take off around the table. The crack of the towel resonates and a quick sting pinches at my butt.

"Damnit, Quinny. That hurt!" I stop running and rub my butt where she towel-whipped me.

"I'm sorry," she laughs. "Do you want me to kiss it and make it all better?" she asks in a baby voice.

"Yes! Kiss it. Please, kiss it! Harley, take your pants off." Quinn and I turn in sync to glare at Levi and he raises his hands innocently. "Can't blame a guy for tryin'."

I point at Levi accusingly. "I'm still mad at you, Levi Beckford. You have some explaining to do." Rolling his eyes, he refills his wine glass and walks back into the living room.

"Oh snap! He just walked away from you. You're not going to let him get away with that, are you?" Quinn asks, refilling both of our wine glasses.

"No. Way. In. Hell."

> "This is going to be good," Quinn murmurs in a sing-song voice, following behind me.

"Don't you walk away from me," I warn, making my way into the living room. Quinn snuggles into the recliner, leaving me standing in the doorway.

"Come here, Harley,” Levi says calmly, patting the cushion next to him. "Come sit down. We both know you aren't really mad. You're just pretending to be mad because you’re his mom and you feel like it's something you should be upset about."

My shoulders rise and fall on a deep breath and I concede by sitting down on the couch—as far away from Levi as I can get.

"It really is quite funny, Harley," Quinn says, sipping from her glass.

"No, it's not,” I reply, shaking my head solemnly. "It's not funny. My son ate nipple butter. The same nipple butter that was used on me. What kind of mother does that make me?"

"You're right. You're a horrible mother, and now Max is probably going to grow up to be a porn star that craves strawberry-flavored nipple butter." Levi throws a pillow at Quinn's face in response and she laughs. "It's edible, Harley. No harm, no foul. You really should just laugh about it."

I cast my gaze across the room, staring at Max's baby picture where it hangs on the wall, and I can't help but wonder how many times I've failed him. "Fine. I'll drop it." Levi wraps his arm around my shoulder and pulls me in close.

"You know I'd never let anything happen to Max while he's in my care. Right?" he asks with his lips pressed against my temple. Snuggling in closer, I pat his thigh gently.

"I know, Levi."

"Gag! If you guys are going to start doing your 'friends with benefits’ thing, then I'm outta here."

"You have nothing to worry about, Quinn." Tightening his arm, Levi gives my shoulder a quick squeeze. His voice softens, but it’s still loud enough for Quinn and I to hear. "I’m fairly certain the ‘benefits’ phase of our relationship is over,” he says with a smirk.

Quinn eyes snap to me and I look at Levi, curious where that came from. How long has he been thinking about this? The idea that we might need to back off has crossed my mind a time or two, but I didn't know he felt the same way. Or maybe...maybe he met a girl. That has to be it! Levi met a girl! I smile at him knowingly, but he immediately begins shaking his head vigorously.

"No! This is not about me. I did not meet someone, so wipe that smile off your face and stop planning my damn wedding."

"Then what's this all about?" Quinn asks.


"What?" I squeak as Quinn chokes on her wine.

"What about Tyson? Is there something you aren't telling me, Harley? Because if that’s the case, then I’m totally pissed at you right now."

"No!" I reply, shaking my head. "I don't know what Levi's talking about. Tyson and I talked the other night outside the bar, but you both know that. I told you what was said, and then we talked again..." My words trail off and I can’t help the small smile that begins to form when I remember the tea that Tyson bought and left for me at work the other day.