His perception causes a dull ache to take root in my stomach. I had forgotten how well he knows me. When I ran into Tyson a few nights ago and agreed to allow him the chance to regain our friendship, I hadn't planned on seeing him again so soon. I thought I'd have a little bit more time to come to terms with everything. And I certainly hadn't planned on having to work with him. So right now I'm feeling a little off-kilter.

I nod, feeling my lips curve into a smile. "I do...and it still does."

"Then why are you working here?" He shifts his feet and leans his shoulder against the wall.

"Well...I don't work here, work here...I mean I do work here—in the hospital—but not here in the ER...at least, not all the time, but sometimes—" He smiles as I fumble over my words. Shaking my head, I run a hand through my hair and take a cleansing breath. "I'm a float nurse. They pull me where they need me."

"That's great, Harley. So we might be seeing each other every once in a while." Great. This is just what I need—a daily dose of my biggest regret. Lucky me.

Looking down, Tyson chuckles, and I notice the puddle of tea that has now seeped around both of our shoes. "I see you're still a tea addict."

"That's an understatement," I reply, stepping out of the tea puddle.

"How are you ever going to make it through your day in the ER without your tea?" he asks, obviously amused.

"I'm not," I reply, giving him the most hopeless look I can manage. "I'm probably going to die."

He laughs and pushes off the wall. "Well, we can't have that now, can we?"

Silence descends and we both stand there, staring at one another, drinking each other in. We both seem to be taking a visual inventory, noting all of the changes that have taken place over the past five years, while simultaneously reveling in everything that has so perfectly stayed the same.

"Well...I’d better get going," he says, throwing a thumb over his shoulder. "It's been a long night and I'm exhausted. I'll see you around, Harley."

"Yup, see ya around." With an awkward wave, he turns and walks away.

"UGHHH!" I GROAN, THROWING myself into a chair at the nurses’ station. "I just got here an hour ago and I'm already ready to go home." Logging into the computer, I click on my patient’s name and start charting.

Laura, a nurse about my age, is sitting to my left. Without breaking eye contact from her computer, she grins. "What happened? Did Mr. Wilcox try and woo you into submission?" she asks playfully.

I whip my head over to glare at her. She doesn't make eye contact, but I can see the shit-eating grin on her face. When she glances in my direction and sees my narrowed gaze, Laura throws her head back and laughs hysterically.

"You bitch!" I hiss playfully.

"I'm sorry!" she says while continuing to laugh. Reaching up, she puts a hand to her chest. "I really am sorry, I couldn't help myself. Mr. Wilcox is a frequent flier around here. He's felt all of us up at some point and it was your turn, girl."

"Felt up?" I scoff. "The man practically molested me! Look..." Turning around, I show her my butt. "You know what that is?"

"No," she answers, shaking her head vigorously, trying to catch her breath from laughing so hard. "But that's the funniest thing I've ever seen! You have an orange ass!"

"Cheetos. Freaking Cheetos!" I smack my ass and a puff of orange dust fills the air, causing another fit of laughter from Laura. "Jesus, he's in the ER, for God's sake!" I'm not really angry with her. In fact, Mr. Wilcox is a very pleasant man. A drunken man, but a pleasant one, nonetheless. Laura’s laughter rubs off, and before long I find myself laughing with her.

"I mean, seriously? It's eight in the morning and he's drunk as a skunk, eating Cheetos. I was trying to get his vitals and start his IV while trying to avoid his grabby little orange fingers. I had to have Nikki come in and occupy him so I could get a vein."

Using the back of her hand, Laura wipes away the tears that linger from her laughing spree. "Good Lord, that just made my day." Reaching across the desk, she picks up a travel cup and a folded piece of paper and turns to hand them to me. "Here, maybe this will help make your day a little bit better."

"What is it?" Picking up the cup, I lift the lid. Hallelujah, it’s tea! "This definitely makes up for you throwing me to the wolves...or should I say, Mr. Wilcox."

"Oh, it's not from me," she replies, shaking her head. I furrow my brow in confusion. "That hot-as-hell resident that worked last night dropped it off about ten minutes ago and asked if I would give it to you." Giving me a quick wink, she turns and walks away.

Taking a sip of the tea, I gently unfold the piece of paper. The rush of emotions that hit at the sight of his words is entirely indescribable.

I floated through the rest of the shift on a high, which carried over into Tuesday and Wednesday. I didn't see Tyson again those next two days, but it's not like I was hoping to see him.

Was I?

“I GOT IT!" MAX hollers at the sound of the doorbell.

“Ma-ax! You know better than to open that—" My words trail off at Max's high-pitched screech as he tears off through the house with Levi hot on his heels. The sound of Levi's teasing and Max's laughing quickly permeate the house.