"Ha!" I snort. "I'm not sure it's my nursing skills that he adores as much as it is my ass in these scrubs."

She grins at me and shrugs. "Can't blame him there. It is a great ass."

"Alright, as much I'd love to sit here and discuss the fabulousness that is my ass all day, I really better get to work."

Standing up, she walks around her desk and gives me a quick hug. "Thanks for not hating me...oh! Can you take this with you down to the ER and give it to Nikki for me?" Reaching under her desk, she comes back up holding a large box.

"Sure thing." I grab my bag and throw the strap across my shoulder. I wrap my arms around the large box and then Cindy picks up my cup of tea, waving it around. "Want me to throw this away?"

"Are you crazy?" I scoff. "That's my fix! I need my sweet tea!"

Laughing, she helps me take hold of my beloved tea. Hurrying in front of me, she props the door open with her foot. "Be careful. Oh, and don't drop the box!" she yells at my retreating back.

"Ha! Be careful? Is this some kind of trap? I feel like you are setting me up for failure," I yell at her over my shoulder while continuing for the elevator. Angling my body to the left, I manage to hit the 'down' button with my pinky. "You owe me!" I shout as the elevator door dings and her laughter fills the air.

Peeking around the edge of the box, I make sure that no one is coming before stepping out of the elevator and toward the ER.

"Harley? Is that you?" I can't see Rosie, but I'd know that sweet voice anywhere.

"Yup, it's me, Rosie! Can you get the door for me?" I can hear her feet shuffle across the floor just before the door opens. "Thank you so much!"

"Whatcha got there?"

"I'm not really sure," I reply, continuing down the hall. "I'm just delivering it to Nikki."

"Well, she's back in her office. Just be careful…that box is too big. You're going to fall and break an arm."

"Well," I holler over my shoulder, "at least I'm in the right place if that happens."

Damn, this box is heavy. Cindy is going to owe me for—“OOMPH!" I hear a light grunt as the sudden, unexpected impact causes me to stumble back and drop my tea in the process. I can hear the liquid gush across the floor, and I cringe at my lost sugar high.

"I'm so sorry. Please tell me I didn't bathe you in my tea," I plead as two hands reach out to remove the box from my grasp.

"Nope." I hear a chuckle and my eyes snap up at the sound of his voice. Tyson. "Only got my shoes, but lucky for me my shift is ending, so it's no big deal." He shrugs, setting the box down. "Are you okay?" he asks, scanning me for any injuries. His wandering eyes leave a path of tingles and I shift my feet nervously.

Jesus Christ. What the fuck is wrong with me? He's back for all of five minutes, and my body is ready to completely forget the past five years and claim him anyway.

"Sorry, I wasn't paying attention to where I was going," he says at my continued silence. "It's been a really long night, and I was kind of in a hurry to get home." I nod at his words but don't respond. I can't seem to form any intelligible words, let alone sentences.

I blink rapidly several times, continuing to stare at the man in front of me. Dear God, he is sexy. Never in my life have hospital scrubs turned me on. Until now. The blue material is fitted across his chest. Not to the point that the top looks too small, but enough for me to get a good mental picture of what's underneath. And GOOD LORD those biceps are fucking drool-worthy.

Okay, I need to get laid.

Tyson has his stethoscope hanging over one shoulder and his lab coat draped haphazardly across his arm. His scrub pants are hanging low on his hips, and what I wouldn't give to reach under his top and—

He clears his throat, snapping me out of my sex-driven thoughts. It appears that our run-in has rendered me catatonic. I must look like a complete idiot.

"Harley? I asked if you're okay." His eyes are dancing with amusement. Busted!


Wait, what is he doing here anyway?

"W-What are you doing here, Tyson?" I stammer, cocking my head to the side.

His eyes light up and the smile on his face makes it look as if he just won the lottery.

"I work here. This is where I'm doing my residency. What are you doing here? You hate the ER; it makes you nervous,” he states, furrowing his brow.