Page 90 of Black

“You’re too sexy for words,” I whisper, slipping my hands under her shirt, stopping to squeeze her tits.

“Careful,” she says, slapping at my arm. “I’m going to get burned.”

“I would never let that happen.” Spinning her in my arms, I pull the tongs from her hand and set them on the counter. “I could get used to waking up to this every morning.”

Her mouth tilts up at the corner and unable to resist, I capture it with mine.

She moans, her lips parting, and I dip my tongue inside, worshiping her with each stroke.

The bacon sizzles and pops, and Shae nudges me back. “Breakfast is almost ready.”

“I’m hungry for you.”

She slaps my hand again when I reach for her. “And you can have me, after we eat breakfast.”

“You must be starved after last night. How’re you feeling this morning?”

The smile in her eyes diminishes and she nods, biting her lip. “I’m sorry about last night.”

“Don’t apologize. I just want you to feel better.”

“I don’t know what happened. One minute I was fine, and the next I wasn’t.” There’s a waver in her voice, slight enough that most people would miss it, but not me.

“Are you sure that’s all it was?” Please, baby, tell me the truth.

She pauses, a look of uncertainty flashing across her face, but then she nods. “I’m sure. It must’ve been something I ate because I feel great now.”

Deciding to let it go, for now, I get plates from the cabinet. Shae pulls the bacon from the stove, whips up some scrambled eggs, and pours us each a glass of milk.

She wastes no time digging into her food.

“We should probably talk about Erin’s wedding this weekend.”

Swallowing her food, she takes a drink. “What about it?”

“We’re going together.”

She nods.

“I know you have obligations to Erin that day, but I’m going to need every man within a twenty-mile radius to know you’re there with me.”

She lifts a brow. “Caveman much?”

“Only with you, baby.”

She winks.

“Oh, and my mother will be there as well.”

Shae takes another bite of her food, chewing it slowly before swallowing. “I didn’t realize your mother was friends with Jacob’s family.”

“My mother and Jacob’s mother grew up together.”

She nods, looking down at her plate. “And your father, will he be there?”

“I don’t think so. Mom mentioned that he had a prior obligation.”

Shae doesn’t ask any more questions, and we fall into general conversation as we finish our breakfast. Once we’re done, she loads the dishwasher while I put the leftovers in a container. When I open the refrigerator and slide the Tupperware inside, my eyes find the tub of frosting I bought yesterday. I had hopes of bringing her home from my mother’s and making some new memories, but those plans were squashed when she got sick.