Page 80 of Black

Flicking the lock, I yank open the door. “What happened?” I yell. “It’s pretty obvious what happened. You broke up with me. Instead of choosing us, choosing to fight for us and opening up to me, you closed yourself off and took the easy way out.”

“I was trying to protect you.”

“That doesn’t even make sense. Protect me? Are you fucking kidding? Protect me from what?”

“From me,” he roars, tossing his hands in the air. “I was protecting you from me.”

“No, I’m sorry, but that’s not a good enough reason, and it doesn’t even make sense.”

Regret fills his eyes. “Let me come in.” He reaches for me, but I take a step back.

“Is there another woman? Is that what this is about?”

“What? No.” His eyes widen, and I believe him because the truth is written on his face. “Babe, I would never do that to you—”

“You know what? It doesn’t matter. I’ve been left more times than I can count. What’s one more?” My voice is eerily calm, but I’m on the verge of crying.

Rex rushes forward to cradle my face in his hands, and I let him. I let him touch me because I need it even though I think I don’t, and my body instantly reacts. The touch of his skin against mine is a soothing balm. My heart rate slows, my breathing evens out. I hate that I have no control over my emotions when he’s around. I hate that he has this effect on me.

“Don’t cry.” He frowns, wiping the tears from my face with his thumbs. “It matters. We matter.”

I try to shake my head but his firm grip prevents me.

“Yes, it does. And you are going to sit down and listen to what I have to say.”

Nudging me into the condo, Rex kicks the door shut and walks me to the couch. But I refuse to sit down.

“You’re not going to come in here and boss me around and expect me to bend to your will.”

“Trust me, babe, I know you don’t bend easy, but I need you to hear me out. Unless you want me to tie you to the chair, you’re going to sit your ass on that couch and listen to what I have to say.”

Even after everything that has happened, the thought of him tying me up sets my body on fire. Instead of voicing that, I sit down.

He looks momentarily relieved as he sits down next to me. “I come from a horrible family, Shae. My father has done things—still does things I’m not proud of. At first I didn’t think much of it because I’m not him. I’ve worked my ass off to be the opposite of him, but it doesn’t change that he’s my father. After you left the bar today, Dante said a few things that struck a chord with me, and I got caught up in my fucking head trying to figure out the best thing for us—for you. At first I convinced myself you would be better off without me, but when you walked away from me tonight, I realized I’m not better off without you. And yes, I’m that fucking selfish. I’m selfish enough to tell you everything and hope to God you don’t walk away again, because these last few weeks, Shae, have been everything. I want more time for us to get to know each other, but Dante was right. You need to know what you’re getting in to.”

Fine. I can do this. I’ll give him a chance to tell me whatever it is he has to tell me.

“I’m going to grab a water,” I tell him calmly. “Would you like one?”

Rex nods. “Please.”

I pull two waters from the refrigerator, hand him one, and twist the top off the other.

“I’m listening,” I say, bringing the bottle to my lips.

“My father is part of the Salamanca crime family.”

Water spews from Shae’s mouth, all over the coffee table and floor.

“I’ll grab a towel.” I dash to the kitchen and return a moment later with paper towels.

Shae sits on the couch like a statue, watching me clean up the mess, probably wondering if she heard me right.

“You’ve heard of the Salamanca crime family?”

She nods, looking around the room, clearly avoiding my gaze, and then pushes up from the couch. “Yes, I’ve heard of them,” she mumbles, pacing across the floor.

For the life of me I can’t read her. She doesn’t look pissed, or upset. To be honest, she looks blank. “Say something.”