Page 82 of Wait For Me

“Because Gray and the kids looked happy last night, happier than I’ve seen them since Lorelei was sober, and it’s because of you.”

“I don’t know if I’d go that far.”

“I would. And when Carol walked up, I knew I’d made a mistake. Gray looked panicked, and you looked hurt. I knew right then something was going on between you two, and I felt like shit for warning you away from a really great guy, and also because Carol was saying the things she was.”

“Oh, I wasn’t hurt.”

Jessa looks at me blandly. “This is me you’re talking to. You don’t have to save face when I’m around.”

“Okay, maybe I was a little jealous,” I say, holding my finger and thumb an inch apart. “But mostly because Grayson and I had kissed a few nights before, and then we had a misunderstanding afterward, and I had no idea where I stood with him.”

Jessa squeals. “Oh my gosh, you’ve already kissed him? I have a million questions.”

“Yes.” I smile, remembering the kisses we shared this morning too. “It was wonderful, and I’m not giving you any more details, so don’t ask.”

“What?” She looks aghast. “You told me everything about Todd.” She pauses. “Oh. Ohhh. Gray is different.”

“Maybe.” My belly flutters. “I feel different when I’m with him, that’s for sure.”

“Say no more. And I promise I won’t interfere in your relationship. I just don’t want either one of you to get hurt, and I know your brother feels the same way.”

“I’m not going to hurt him.”

Jessa reaches across the console and squeezes my hand. “I’m more worried about him hurting you.”

“I’m a big girl.”

“I know you are, which is why I promise not to meddle…too much.” We both laugh. “Now, enough with the heavy stuff, tell me where he’s taking you tonight.”

“I don’t know! He won’t tell me, and now I don’t know how to dress.”

“Hmm.” She taps her chin and makes a left turn to pull up at a small boutique. “My friend Danielle works here; she’ll know exactly what you should wear.”

We hop out of the car, and Jessa’s friend meets us at the door.

“Hey! I wasn’t expecting you today.”

Jessa motions toward me. “You remember me telling you about my sister-in-law, Nora, right?”

Danielle is the ultimate professional as she looks at me and smiles. “Who could forget something like that? It’s not every day your friend has a superstar for a family member. Welcome to my shop, Nora.”

“Thank you.”

“Nora is going on a date tonight and needs something to wear.”

“Who’s the lucky guy?” Danielle asks.

“Grayson Calhoun,” I say proudly.

Danielle’s jaw drops, and she does a little happy dance. “Well done, girlfriend. Grayson is the ultimate package. Sweet, sexy, successful, and he’s a great father. I don’t think they come much better than that.”

“She needs something that’s casual

, yet sexy,” Jessa says. “Can you help us out?”

“Can I help you out?” Danielle rolls her eyes. “This is what I live for. Come with me, girls, we’re going to find an outfit that will make Mr. Calhoun swallow his tongue.”

I like her, I mouth to Jessa.