Page 65 of Wait For Me

“Do you know what you need?”

“A nice long bath?”

An idea begins to form...



“I think it’s a good idea,” Nick says, surprising the hell out of me.

“You do?”


“Me too,” Jessa says from the background.

I learned a long time ago that Nick always has the phone on speaker. I’m doubly surprised that Jessa is on board, especially since she’s the one who warned me away from Grayson.

“So, what did he say?” Nick says.

“He hasn’t given me a final answer yet. He has to find someone to keep the kids first.”

“Why didn’t he ask us?” Jessa says, sounding a little put-off.

“Probably because you both work and he doesn’t want to inconvenience you.”

“Those kids are not an inconvenience. Lorelei was my best friend since preschool. They’re all I have left of her.”

Jessa has such a big heart. She’s going to make a wonderful mother one of these days. “I’ll be sure to tell him you said that.”

“Thank you,” she replies.

“So, how’s the baby-making coming along?”

It was an awkward conversation, but after lots of hounding on Nick’s part, I finally broke down and told him and Jessa why I chose to move out. They felt bad, and then I felt bad for making them feel bad, but really no one should feel bad, because hello, they’re trying to make a baby!

I was super excited for them and can’t wait for the day they tell me their efforts have paid off. I’m going to spoil the hell out of that little booger.

“We’ll know in a few weeks when I take a pregnancy test.” Jessa sighs, and I hear Nick murmur something to her. “I’m just trying not to get my hopes up,” she says.

“It’s okay to be hopeful. It’ll happen soon. I just know it.”

“Thanks, sis. I really miss having you here.”

I laugh. “I’ve only been gone for, like, four hours.”

“We should all get together for dinner on Friday night,” Nick suggests. “Me, Jess, You, Grayson, and the kids.”

“That sounds fun.” When my phone vibrates, I pull it away from my ear and look down at it. “Gotta go, guys.”


“Call me!” Jessa says.

“Will do.”

I wait for them to hang up, and then answer Grayson’s call.