Page 59 of Wait For Me

Bo turns away from me. “Chill, woman. We’re coming.”

“Did you grill him?” she asks when Bo hits the top platform.

“What do you think?”

“Bo,” she admonishes. “You promised to play nice.”

“I did play nice.”

“Sorry,” she says when he walks inside.

I carry up the last suitcase. “Don’t apologize. I’ll be the same way when Emma grows up and moves in with some punk.”

“She won’t.” Nora smiles brightly. “Emma is going to marry a prince.”

“Is that right?”

“Mmm-hmm.” Nora leans in close. The fruity scent of her shampoo tickles my nose, and I breathe her in. “And you’re not a punk,” she whispers.

“I’m also not a prince.”

Her eyes are bright as she smiles and turns for the door. “Are you sure about that?”



“See ya later, nugget.” Bo holds up his hand for Emma to high-five.

It takes her three jumps, but she finally hits her mark. “Bye, Bo!”

“See ya, Jack.” Bo fist-bumps Jack and then tickles Henry’s belly.

Henry curls into Nora’s side and pushes his face to her neck as he giggles. When Bo turns to her, she hands Henry to me and steps into his open arms.

“Thanks for flying out here and helping me, even though it was completely unnecessary. Oh, I called the rental place and paid for your car, and I upgraded your plane ticket home to first class.”

Bo frowns.

“If you would’ve given me a heads up, I would’ve had you in first class on the trip here.”

“It was last minute. I needed to see you and make sure you were okay.”

“I’m more than okay.”

He smiles down at her with a look I’m sure most people never get from this guy. When he said she’s family to him, he wasn’t lying.

“I know you are. It’s written all over your face. Happy and relaxed looks good on you, Nora. Take care of yourself.”

“I will.”

“And I’ll see you soon for that stupid premiere. I’m still pissed you have to go to that thing.”

“I know. Me too. I’ll message you when I have more details about it.”

Nora kisses Bo on the cheek and gives him one last squeeze before watching him climb into his rental car.

When I see her wiping a tear from her cheek, I shift Henry to my other hip and wrap an arm around her shoulders, trying my best to ignore how good she feels pressed against me.