Page 53 of Wait For Me

“Or not,” I scoff. “Talk about awkward. I’m thinking about trying to find a place to rent for the rest of the summer. Or maybe I can find a room at a nice bed and breakfast.”

“You’re not staying at a bed and breakfast by yourself. It isn’t safe.”

“You sound like Bo.”

“Who’s Bo?”

“My bodyguard.”

“He must be a smart man.”

“He is. You’d like him.”

“Stay here,” he says casually. “There’s a loft above the garage. It’s furnished and has a small kitchen. Duke stayed there when his condo caught fire. It’s nothing fancy, and it’s little, but at least you wouldn’t have to listen to your brother’s mating rituals.”

“Oh, I couldn’t.” Could I?

“Why not? It’ll be nice and quiet. You can have dinner with us at night, if you want, you can come and go as you please, and I promise you won’t get roped into watching my kids any more than you already have.”

It’s on the tip of my tongue to politely decline, but I can’t push the words out because I like the idea of staying here and having a nice, quiet place to myself.

“Say yes,” he encourages.

What the hell? “Yes!”

His smile is bright enough to light up the night.



“Can we talk?” Nick asks two days later.

I wipe my hands off, toss the rag down, and nod toward my office. “What’s up?”

“Where are the kids?” he asks, looking around at all of the toys and crap in my office.

“Duke is watching them again.”

Nick gives me a look. I sigh, pull my hat off, and run my hands through my hair. “I know it isn’t ideal, but he’s good with them, and he’s the only help I’ve got right now.”

“I’m sure Jessa wouldn’t mind watching them on her days off.”

I notice immediately that he doesn’t mention Nora, although I’m ninety-nine-percent certain that’s what he’s here to talk about. She called this morning and asked if she could move in tomorrow. My guess is Nick and Jessa had another round of marathon sex, and Nora said enough.

“Nah, man, I can’t ask her to do that. She already works full time. Anyway, I put in an application at a few of the daycare centers in town. I’m just waiting to hear back on availability.”

The kids are going to hate going to a daycare, but I don’t have another choice. I’m running out of options.

“But I’m guessing you didn’t come here to talk about my childcare situation.”

“You’re right.” Nick’s face hardens. He crosses his arms over his chest and leans against my desk. “Do you want to tell me why my sister is at my house packing her bags?”

“Probably because she’s going to move out here for the summer?”

Nick drops his arms and pushes to his full height. “Yeah, I know. What the fuck, man? Are you sleeping with my sister?”

“What? No. And even if I was, would that be such a horrible thing? I’m not a dick.”