Page 43 of Wait For Me

“Your crew or bandmates?”

She shakes her head. “We’re on different buses. I’m the only girl, and I’m significantly younger than most of them. They’re on one bus, and I’m on another. It’s almost always just me and Ricardo.”


“My driver. Except we don’t talk much. Well, I talk, and he listens, but I’m not sure he understands what I’m saying, because he doesn’t speak English.”


“Try boring. Most people think life on the tour bus is crazy and filled with constant parties and booze. That might be the case for some people, but not for me.”

“Well, I forbid you from eating alone while you’re in Rock Springs. If ever you find yourself alone for a meal, just come over and eat with us.”

“I’ll take you up on that.”

Her hair is a mess, and she has a questionable green substance smeared across her forehead, but she looks absolutely stunning.

“I hope you do.” I realize I’m staring and clear my throat. “Emma, Jack, come eat,” I holler, picking Henry up when he wobbles into the kitchen.

Nora helps me get the kids settled and food on the plates.

“I am not eating this.” Jack pushes his plate to the center of the table.

“Jack,” I warn while cutting up Emma’s chicken.

Henry grabs a fist full of green beans and shoves them into his mouth.

“Just try it,” Nora says.

“I’ll twy it!” Emma stabs a chunk of chicken with her fork and pops it into her mouth. She chews and chews and chews some more and then finally swallows. “Dat’s good. I wike it.”

Jack eyes his chicken and then slowly, while fighting back gagging noises, takes a bite. With each passing second, the disgusted look on his face lessens, and then miraculously, he takes another bite.

Nora smiles at me triumphantly. I high-five her over the top of Henry’s head.

“Yes,” she murmurs.

I feel that murmur between my legs. Oh shit.

I straighten up in my chair and concentrate on the food. “You’ll have to give me the recipe.”

“I’ll write it down for you.”



“Where are you?” Nick asks.

“I’m at Grayson’s watching the kids. I left you a note on the counter. I would’ve told you, but you guys were gone when I got up.”

I balance the phone between my ear and shoulder and tie off the french braid at the end of Emma’s hair.

The little stinker loves having her hair done and made me promise to braid it every time I see her. How am I supposed to say no to her sweet angel face?

“We went to the gym. We just got home, and Jessa was going to see if you wanted to go shopping, but you’re not here.”

“Sorry. Tell her I’ll take a raincheck.”