Page 35 of Wait For Me

The kids are quiet and playing amongst themselves, so I take a minute to relax, but as soon as I sit down, my cell rings.

“Hey, Nicky, how’s your day going?” I say, answering the phone.

“I really wish you’d stop calling me that.”

“Sorry, brother, no can do. What’s up?”

“Nothing, I was just checking in to see if you’re still alive.”

“You mean you’re wanting to make sure your precious truck is still in one piece?”

“That too.”

I laugh. “Don’t worry, your love machine is fully intact. And I made it out to Grayson’s and dropped off Emma’s doll.”

“Thanks. Did you talk to Gray?”

“Not much. He was busy working. In fact, I’m still here.”

“You’re still at Gray’s?”

“Yep.” I smile when Jack laughs at something on the TV.

“Why?” The tone of Nick’s voice catches my attention. He doesn’t sound upset, just surprised.

“Angela’s husband had a stroke last night, and he needed help with his kids, so I offered to stay.”

“Ed had a stroke?” Nick blows out a breath. “I hate to hear that. He’s so active and still so young.”

“It’s awful.”

“I’ll reach out to Angela and let her know if she needs anything, I’m here. It’s nice of you to help Gray with the kids. He doesn’t really have anyone he can call on in such short notice.”

“I don’t know about that. His brother was here when I got here.”




“Hmm, what? Why are you hmm-ing?”

“It’s just that Duke is…wild. He’s always been a little unreliable. I’m surprised to hear he was there.”

That isn’t the impression I got. “Maybe he’s changed.”


“Miss Nowa?” Emma says, tugging the bottom of my shirt.

“Yes, sugarplum?”

“Do you know howda bwaid?”

“I do. Would you like me to do your hair?” She nods. “Okay. You go grab a brush and two ponytail holders, and I’ll meet you in the living room. Deal?”

“Deal!” She scurries off.