Page 132 of Wait For Me

Bo and his team flew to town a few hours after we got back and have set up camp at various points around the house. Nora didn’t think it was necessary, believing the paps would be gone in a few days when some fresh, new story broke, but Bo insisted we not take any chances.

I tend to agree with the man, especially since my kids are involved.

“This is so cool!” Jack says, climbing onto a chair so he can look out the window with me.

We’ve kept the kids away from the TV and the iPad, so he really doesn’t know much about what’s going on. They think the paparazzi are around because Nora is staying here.

As far as I’m concerned, the less they know the better. I’m grateful school is out for the summer, otherwise Jack would’ve inevitably heard about it in class.

“Can we go talk to dem?” Emma asks, tugging on my shirt.

“No, sweetheart, we can’t.”

“How long are they gonna be here?” Jack asks.

“Hopefully not much longer.”

My eyes shift to the loft when I see the door open. Nora walks out in a pair of cut-off jean shorts and black shirt. Even in everyday clothes, she’s an absolute vision. A sight for sore eyes.

When we got back into town early Sunday morning, the kids were still asleep, so she retreated to the loft under the guise of needing to make a few more calls. I barely saw her that day. She came down to the house to see the kids, have dinner, and apologize to my parents for the inconvenience before they left for home.

It was an unnecessary apology.

“It’s fine, dear,” Mom said, blowing her off. “It was a little frightening at first, but everything is fine. Don’t think twice about it.”

Except it isn’t fine. The paps are still here, and as expected, Lorelei is scheduled for an on-air interview with a radio station later this evening. I found out that little piece of information from Lacey.

I hear the front door open and close. Jack and Emma scurry out of the kitchen.


“Dad says we can’t play outside today,” Jack grumbles.

I turn and prop a hip against the counter, watching Nora walk into the kitchen with all three kids hanging off her.

“Your dad is right, but don’t worry, we’ll find lots of fun things to do inside today.”

“But I don’t wanna stay inside.”

“I know you don’t, Jack, but it’s only for a few days until the photographers leave.”

“Fine. Come on, Emma, let’s go play.”

She follows him out of the kitchen, and Henry toddles after them.

Nora stands in front of me, and when I set my coffee down and open my arms, she walks straight into them.

She smells of flowery shampoo and sweet, brown sugar.

“I missed you last night,” I whisper into her hair.

“I missed you, too. I was going to come down here, but I was trying to give you time with the kids, and…”

She looks down.

“And what?”

She shrugs and lifts her eyes. “And I didn’t know if you wanted me here.”