Page 114 of Wait For Me

“Speaking of Papa, where is Dad?” I ask.

Mom gives me a look. “Where do you think?”

“In the garage.” Dad loves cars as much, if not more, than I do.

“What’re we gonna do, Nana?” Jack asks, seemingly not at all bothered that I’m leaving.

“It’s a surprise.” She taps his nose. “You’ll just have to wait and see.”

I hear a car pull down the lane. A second later a horn honks, and Nora reaches for her suitcase.

“That’s our ride.”

“I still don’t know why you didn’t just let me drive us to the airport.”

“Thank you again for watching the kids.” Nora gives my mom a quick hug and bends to hug each kid as well.

“Call if you need anything. You have my number and Nora’s. I left Nick and Jessa’s number on the refrigerator in case you can’t get ahold of one of us and—”

“Grayson.” Mom puts a hand on my shoulder. “Relax. We’re going to be fine.”

“I know you will, but I haven’t been away from the kids since Lorelei had partial custody and I’m just…”



A pussy.

God, I’m such a pussy.

Here I get a weekend away with a beautiful, sweet woman, and I’m worrying about anything and everything under the sun.

“In case you’ve forgotten, I’ve raised two boys. I know what I’m doing.”

“I know.” I give Mom a kiss on the cheek. “I’ll try not to worry.”

“He’s going to worry the entire time,” Nora says, laughing.

“We better get going.” The car honks again, and I scoop Henry up. I kiss his sweet little face, followed by Emma and Jack, and then we’re out the door.

A black town car sits in my driveway. The driver hops out and reaches for our luggage. He puts our bags in the trunk and holds the back door open.

Nora climbs in first. I slide in beside her, and she taps the sunglasses on my head.

“Good thinking bringing those.”

“Because it’s sunny?”

She snort-laughs. “No, silly, because of the photographers.”


“Yeah, you know, all the flashes. They can be blinding. You’ll be glad you brought your sunglasses.”

Nora tucks her hand in the crook of my elbow and whispers, “Keep your head down and put your sunglasses on.”

“But we’re inside.”