Page 111 of Wait For Me

“Are sleeping. I just want to lie with you for a while. Is that okay?”

Nora answers me by walking into my room and curling up on my bed. I want her in my bed every night, but I know we need to take things slow. A few hours tonight will have to suffice.

“Don’t drop them.”

“I won’t,” Jack insists, carrying the plate of freshly baked biscuits.

“I gots Henwy. Come on, Henwy.”

Using a couple of hot pads, I grab the bowl of gravy. “Are we forgetting anything?” I look around, but I think we’ve got it all, and everything else we need is in the loft. “All right, let’s go.”

I manage to usher the kids out of the house and up the stairs toward Nora’s loft.

Emma and Henry knock on the lower half of the door, and a second later it opens, revealing a slightly disheveled Nora.

“Happy birthday!” the kids yell.

Nora blinks twice.

From the looks of it, she’s still processing what’s happening. I nudge her into the loft.

“Good morning, sleepyhead.”

“What is all of this?”

“What does it look like?” Jack puts the biscuits on the table. “It’s your birthday breakfast.”

“You guys cooked me breakfast?” Her voice holds a tinge of disbelief.

“Daddy did most of it, but Henwy and I helped.” Emma pulls Nora to the small kitchen table. “I wike biscuits and gwavy.”

Tears pool in Nora’s eyes when she looks at me. “You made me biscuits and gravy?”

“Someone told me it’s your favorite.” I kiss the top of her head while sliding a plate in front of her.

“It is. Mom used to make it for me every year on my birthday.”

“I know.”

“But what about Nick and Jessa? I was supposed to have breakfast with them this morning.”

“They should be here any minute.”

Just then there’s a knock on the door.

“Speak of the devil. Come in,” I holler.

“Good morning.” Nick holds the door open for Jessa, who has her arms full of goodies.

“Happy birthday!” Jessa sets her load on the couch so she can wrap Nora in a hug. “Why are you crying?”

“Because I’m happy. I can’t believe you guys did all of this.”

“I can’t take the credit.” Jessa smiles at me. “It was Grayson’s idea.”

“If someone would’ve told me sooner that your birthday was coming up, I would’ve planned something better.”

“This is truly great.” Nora wipes the wetness from her face. “Are those presents?”