Page 109 of Wait For Me

“Is there any cake left?”

“Yes, but I think you’ve had enough sugar for the day.”

“It’s not for me.”

I tilt my head. “Who’s it for?”

“It’s a surprise. Can I have a piece?”

Okay, I’ll bite. I nod toward the dessert table and cut him off a small square. Jack grabs one of the seven candles that were in the cake and pokes it in.

“Can you light it?”

“What for?” I say, reaching into my pocket to grab the lighter I used earlier.



“Uh-huh.” Jack nods and watches me light the candle. “It’s her birthday.”

Wait. What?

“It is?” I ask, but Jack is already gone, walking carefully to keep the flame from blowing out.

“Happy birthday, Nora,” he says, stopping behind her.

She turns around, her eyes widening when she sees my son. “What is this?”

“It’s for your birthday. Hurry, make a wish and blow out the candle!”

Nora closes her eyes. A few seconds later, she opens them and blows the candle out.

“What did you wish for?”

“I can’t tell you or it won’t come true.”

Jack smiles. “Wanna know what I wished for?”

“No,” she says, laughing. “But I would like a fork so I can eat this cake.”

Jack grabs one from the table and hands it to her.

“We’re leaving. Thanks for the invite,” Nick says. “Oh, and Jessa and I are taking Nora out for breakfast tomorrow morning for her birthday. You and the kids are more than welcome to join us, if you’d like.”

“You could’ve told me it was her birthday, fucker,” I whisper.

I would’ve planned something, and now I’m left wondering what in the hell I could possibly do for her on such short notice.

“Sorry. I didn’t think about it.”

“Is breakfast a special birthday tradition or something?”

“Not really. When were little, before Nora moved to California, every year on our birthday our mom would make us our favorite breakfast and bring it to us in bed. Nora loved it. She said it made her feel like a princess. Jessa and I had plans of giving her breakfast in bed, but since you ruined that…” He gives me a pointed look. “…by inviting her to live out here, I have to settle for taking her out for breakfast.”

I remember the night I surprised her with a bubble bath, the look of pure joy and happiness on her face. I want to make her smile like that again.

“I have a huge favor to ask.”