Page 101 of Wait For Me

“Well…” Damn Lorelei for leaving our kids without a mother.

Nora comes down to Emma’s level. “Hey, shortcake, can I tell you a secret?”

Emma steps closer to Nora and nods, her eyes glowing with excitement.

Nora reaches in front of Emma and takes my hand. “Remember that book we read the other day about Princess Penelope?”

“She falled in wove wif da pwince.”

“That’s right. The prince did nice things for her, and he made her feel special. He made her happy. Well…that’s how your daddy makes me feel. Is that okay with you?”

Emma’s eyes cut to mine and then back to Nora. “Am I still his wittle pwincess?”

“You’ll always be my little princess,” I say kissing Emma’s hand. “Nothing is ever going to change that.”

“Okay.” Emma shrugs and turns for the refrigerator. “Can I have my snack now?”

And just like that, we’re forgotten.

I open the refrigerator to grab Emma’s chocolate milk and applesauce, and she walks into the living room to sit on the floor by Henry.

When I turn back around to face Nora, Jack is standing beside her, watching her curiously.

“What’s wrong, buddy?”

“Are you going to leave like my mom left?” he asks Nora.

At first, she looks stunned by the question, but then she places a hand on his shoulder and gives the absolute best answer.

“Maybe, but when I do, I’m only a phone call away, and I’ll always come back.”

“You will?”

You will? I think, mimicking my son’s words in my head.

“Of course I will. My family is here.” Nora looks at me with a soft smile before turning her gaze back to Emma. “And I don’t just mean Nick and Jessa, but your dad and you and Henry and Emma. You guys mean so much to me.”

“What if you and my dad break up?”

“It won’t change how much I care about you.”

Jack watches her for a few long seconds and then throws himself into Nora’s arms. Emotion crawls up my throat, but I push it back down.

I know Nora means every word she says. Even if we don’t work out, she’ll care about my kids and make it a point to stay in touch with them, because that’s the type of person she is.

And I’m a damn lucky man.

As Nora and I watch Jack walk into the living room, I slide an arm around her waist.

“That went well.”

“Yeah, it did.”

She high-fives me and then wraps her arms around my middle and rests her head on my shoulder.

“I guess this means we’re official.”

I hold on tight and kiss the top of her head. “I guess it does.”