I hold up one finger. “One.”

“Whoever it is, is he good to you?”


“Is the sex great?” Claire asks. “Because that’s really important.”

“That’s two questions.”

Tess shakes her head. “Nope, one question per person. My turn. Are you happy?”

“Wait. Answer my question first,” Claire says.

“The sex is phenomenal, and yes, I’m happy.”

Tess smiles. “That’s all that matters.”

Mo steps around me to stand in front of the mirror. Claire and Tess ooh and ahh over the sequined material, and I take a step back.

Is that all that matters?

The night Lincoln kissed me for the first time, I would’ve said yes, all that mattered was that I was happy, because at the time I needed easy, and that’s exactly what he was willing to give.

No-strings-attached sex with a gorgeous cowboy.

There’s not a damn thing wrong with that.

But now, here I am. Twenty-four years old—almost twenty-five—with the career of my dreams at my fingertips and a man I have no idea what to do with, and while I am happy, I’m not so sure that’s enough anymore.

Mo giggles, bringing me back to the room and what I’m here for. With a hand propped on one hip, she poses in front of the mirror, and while I feel excited for her and my brother, I can’t help but feel a little lonely.

Grabbing my phone again, I shoot a text to my friend Abby.

Am I stupid for sleeping with Lincoln?

I watch three dots dance across the screen and then read her reply: Do you want my honest opinion, or do you want me to tell you want you want to hear?

Really? Do you usually just tell me what you think I want to hear?

Okay, honest opinion it is. You’re not stupid. Naïve, yes, but not stupid.

That wasn’t so bad. Except… Naïve?

For thinking you could sleep with him and not develop feelings. Things like this never end the way we want them to. Someone always gets hurt, and I don’t want that someone to be you.

I’m not going to get hurt.

Are you thinking of breaking up with him?

We’re not actually together, are we?

You know what I mean.

I think about it for a second and then type out a reply: Should I break things off with him?

Do you want to?

I don’t even have to think about that. The answer comes way too easily. No.