down my cheek. I’m not sure if he’s talking to me or the baby, but his words rip at my heart.

“Lincoln, I’m so sor—”

“Yo, Linc, time to get your ass back to work,” Rhett yells, interrupting me.

Lincoln has my shirt pulled down and is gathering his trash before I even catch my breath.

A second later Rhett strides into the barn, and I’ve never wanted to kill him more than I do right at this moment.

“Sorry, sis, duty calls.” Rhett kisses my cheek, claps Lincoln on the back, and grabs an ax. “Ready?”

“I’ll be right there.”

Rhett nods and heads out the same way he came in. Lincoln slips on his gloves and reaches for a shovel.

“Friday at three,” he says. “Want me to pick you up around two thirty?”

Tell him, I yell at myself. Tell him you love him and you want him back.

Instead, I smile tightly and nod. “I’d like that.”



“Is there a bathroom around here?” Lincoln whispers.

“Down the hall, on the left.”

“I’ll be right back.”

I watch his jeans shift around his ass as he walks from the waiting room, and a collective sigh from the rest of the women in here leads me to believe they are all doing the same.

He’s mine, bitches.

At least he will be as soon as I can get him alone.

If I didn’t know better, I’d swear Rhett was purposefully blocking me. I texted Lincoln the other night after talking to him at my parents’ ranch and asked if he could stop by on his way home. But he was already helping Rhett with a project at Animal Haven.

I stopped by Mom and Dad’s the next day, hoping to catch a few more minutes with him, but the boys had already gone into town for lunch rather than eating at the house. And then today, when Lincoln picked me up, he was in such a hurry to get to the doctor’s appointment on time that I didn’t get a chance to show him what I’ve been working on.

My hope is that I can get him to come in when he drops me off, and maybe then we can talk.

“You’re one lucky lady.”

I turn to the woman beside me and smile, knowing she’s talking about Lincoln. “I know.”

“I couldn’t pay my husband to come to one of these appointments with me. If he would just make an effort, I’d probably promise him sex every night for the rest of his life. Is that what you did?” she asks, rubbing her stomach, which is huge. She has to be at least four weeks overdue. “You bribed him, didn’t you?”

I shake my head. “No bribes. He wanted to come.”

“Damn. Some girls have all the luck.” Her eyes shift to my left hand. “Snag him up, sweetie. Guys like that don’t come around often.”

“You don’t even know him.”

“Don’t need to know him. He came. That alone gives him, like, a thousand points. On top of that, he hasn’t stopped staring at you.”
