“Guess we’ll find out.” I slant my mouth to hers. Our lips brush once, twice, and a third time.

“Cut!” Pilar turns a pleased smile to Jessica. “One more part.”

At the end of the day, after a dinner break, the last video is the two of us riding off into the sunset. Monroe hugs me from behind as we once again share the saddle. The heat from her pussy burns a hole against my ass, and when Pilar calls cut for the last time, I ride over to him and stop.

“Are we done?”

“We’re done. You two were absolutely perfect.” He holds out a hand to help Monroe down from Sadie, but I stop him.

“Do you need anything else from us?” I ask.

Jessica walks up beside Pilar and tilts her head. “No. We just have to clean up, and we’ll be out of your hair.”

“Good. If you need anything else, Mom, Dad, or Trevor can help you on your way out.”

“Oh, do you have somewhere to—”

I give Sadie a tap, propelling us forward, and Jessica’s words fade into the wind.

“Where are we going?” Monroe asks.

The wind whips around us. She tightens her grip to keep from falling off.

“Two words,” I shout. “Hay. Loft.”

“Faster,” she laughs.


“Thank you so much. I owe you one,” I tell Tess the next afternoon.

“Don’t mention it,” she says. “We all deserve some time away.”

“How’s Simon?”

“I’m mad at him, let’s not talk about it.”

I cringe and she waves me on. “It’s fine. I love the damn bird, but he drives me crazy. Tell me what I need to know before you go.”

“Here’s the key to the spare work truck,” I say, dropping it into her hand. “And you’ve got a key to Animal Haven.” She pats her pocket confirming that it’s there. “Oh, and I’ve got tuna in the closet for Pickles. Don’t forget I let him stay out. He’s no longer confined to his cage.”

“I won’t forget.”

“You’ve got my number, right?”

“I’ve got your number.”

“And Rhett’s?”

“You sent it to me three times.”

“You’re comfortable taking care—”

“I’m good, Mo. If I have a question I’ll be sure to call.”

I scan the office one last time, making sure I didn’t miss anything.

Tess rests her hand on my arm. “Leave, Mo. I’ve got it. The animals are in good hands. Enjoy your night with Rhett.”